加拿大商科paper代写 领导者

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领导者的角色是复杂的,而且通常取决于他们所处的环境。许多组织根据政策和指示的自由程度,向某些类型的领导提供帮助。退伍军人管理局的医疗保健服务(VAHCS)有许多指示或政策,这些指示或政策规定了一个人可以描绘的领导类型。当然,事务性领导是这种环境中最兼容的方法。本质上,这是对绩效、监控和纠正行为或在标准未达到时进行干预的偶然奖励(Reuvers, van Engen, Vinkenburg, & Wilson-Evered, 2008)。然而,这并没有给我们留下任何超越的空间,在性能、生产力和独创性方面超越他人。卫生保健系统,特别是那些为国家退伍军人服务的卫生保健系统,是一个真正的、为人民服务的、负责任的领导能够努力促进卓越和创新的地方。对于这个任务,我将定义和比较仆人,可信的,负责任的领导。然后,我将详细说明一个情况,在我的工作场所,结果是直接影响的领导理论应用。我将解释哪种领导理论与领导者的行为联系最紧密。我将讨论一种不同的领导理论,它被证明更适合这种情况,以及为什么从长远来看它对团队和领导者更好。

加拿大商科paper代写 领导者

The role of a leader is complicated, and often predicated on the environment they lead in. Many organizations lend themselves, to certain types of leadership based on the amount of freedom from policies and directives. The Veteran Administration Health Care Services (VAHCS), has a number of directives, or policies which dictate the type of leadership one can portray. Certainly, transactional leadership is the most compatible approach in this environment. Essentially, this is a contingent reward for performance, monitoring and correcting behavior, or intervening when standards are not met (Reuvers, van Engen, Vinkenburg, & Wilson-Evered, 2008). However, this does not leave any room for going above and beyond, for exceling in performance, productivity, and ingenuity. Health care systems, especially those serving the country’s Veterans, are a place where authentic, servant, and responsible leadership can work to promote excellence, and innovation. For this assignment, I will define and compare servant, authentic, and responsible leadership. Then I will detail a situation in my workplace where the outcome was directly impacted by the leadership theory applied. I will explain which leadership theory was most closely associated with the leader’s behavior. I will discuss a different leadership theory that proved to be more appropriate for the situation, and why it was better for the team and the leader in the long run.

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