Film Studies Essay代写:商业广播的兴起

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Film Studies Essay代写:商业广播的兴起

到了20世纪20年代,大多数美国电影制作在加利福尼亚的好莱坞举行,那里的温暖的气候意味着拍摄可能发生在一年的时间里。在十年中,好莱坞电影公司开发了所谓的演播室系统。在这种制度下,少数工作室地铁Goldwyn Mayer(MGM)、派拉蒙电影公司、福克斯电影公司、华纳兄弟、和雷电华电影公司生产的每一个方面的控制,分布,和他们的电影展。

随着行业的扩大,好莱坞开始改变其营销从工薪阶层向中产阶级的迷人的明星生产大预算的电影,复杂的镜头,复杂的情节,更好的发展特点,并阐述服装和集。好莱坞的明星系统成熟为一个全面的文化现象,因为工作室积极地促进了他们的表演,利用国家的魅力与名人。在默片时代最受欢迎的明星中,性感的“女孩”克拉拉·鲍、“美国甜心”玛丽和她的丈夫道格拉斯范朋克体育,喜剧演员、导演Charlie Chaplin的恐怖片明星朗·钱尼,和迷人的浪漫的主角葛丽泰嘉宝和鲁道夫·瓦伦蒂诺。




Film Studies Essay代写:商业广播的兴起

By the 1920s most American film production took place in Hollywood, California, where a warm climate meant that filming could take place all year long. During the decade, the Hollywood motion picture companies developed the so-called studio system. Under this system, a handful of studios-Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), Paramount Pictures, Fox Film Corporation, Warner Brothers, and RKO Pictures-controlled every aspect of the production, distribution, and exhibition of their films.

As the industry expanded, Hollywood began to shift its marketing from working-class to middle-class Americans by producing bigger budget movies with glamorous stars, sophisticated camera shots, complex plots, better-developed characters, and elaborate costuming and sets. The fledgling Hollywood star system matured into a full-blown cultural phenomenon as studios aggressively promoted their performers to capitalize on the nation's fascination with celebrities. Among the most popular stars of the silent era were sexy "It Girl" Clara Bow, "America's Sweetheart" Mary Pickford and her athletic husband Douglas Fairbanks, comic actor and director Charlie Chaplin, horror film star Lon Chaney, and glamorous romantic lead actors Greta Garbo and Rudolph Valentino.

Beginning in 1920, popular music broadcasts formed the core of radio programming. Stations generally broadcast live studio performances or "remote" broadcasts from opera houses, concert halls, and hotel ballrooms, as opposed to phonograph records.Â

Middle-class homemakers listened to the radio during the day while performing household chores, and entire families gathered around their radio sets for an evening of entertainment. By 1930, an estimated 51 million listeners tuned in nightly to listen to radio programs, and when they heard a song they liked, they often purchased the phonograph recording, the sheet music, or both. Commercial radio sparked national crazes for certain songs and sometimes helped to make musicians into overnight celebrities.Â

During the highly experimental era of the early 1920s, radio stations broadcast a wide variety of musical entertainers, and as late as the mid-1920s, radio listeners might hear a pianist, an opera tenor, a classical violinist, an old-time string band, a glee club, a Hawaiian guitarist, and a jazz dance band all on the same day on one station.


