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计算机科学论文代写 Computer Science 论文代写 安卓和苹果电脑科学论文

Android and iPhone are the two fastest developing Smartphone platforms. The Apple Company must approve iPhone before being distributed through the Apple Store. However, Android applications are not vetted or approved by anyone before being distributed. The two Smartphone applications have different security measures, however are comparable in many aspect. Android/iPhones have created a very big revolution in the cell phone industry and created the need for security beef up (Elinor, 2010).

Android's current security features

Android's components are open source and Google has input fewer restrictions on device developers and application developers compared to apple. Canings being allowed to discuss Android security, in the first place, reflect the open move toward security. This openness gives the android developers liberty to innovate. Google runs a computer system having test versions of Android to check android sales programs; it has also made modification to the way Android's Linux Operating System executes requests in order to make operations safer. Each application executes within a virtual device environment (application sandbox) where the program is unable to interfere with other applications on the phone.

Android is fitted with a media server process that can input to the phone's display and utilize the sound card. Security researcher discovered an error, Miller in the way Android played MP3 files. Hackers can run unauthorized applications in other systems; however presence of application sandbox limits this kind of bugs from spreading or affecting the system could use this. Android's security feature, sandboxing has been discovered to make hackers life harder. The Google system is designed to curb effects of applications bypasses or reduce the effects substantially. This make the Google system a head in security matters compared to the Apple. Users are given information regarding what resources and data application will have access to, and permission from the user is required before the software can be installed.

Auto locking passwords after a period and several unlock options are essential security precautions of the Androids. The lookout security suite provide anti-malware protection, data backup functionality, and a missing device locator, which can show the phone's location on an internet map, produce sound alarm from the phone, and or remotely clear the data from the device. These functionalities are monitored and managed remotely from the company's interface. A master password gives access to password vault, which automatically can fill in site passwords both on the Smartphone and on the computer (Goldman, 2010).

Android's Security flaws

Playing MP3 files has a loophole that can allow hackers run unauthorized files within the application. Processing short message service text has also been noticed as another flaw, which could be exploited, however vulnerability consequences is minimal. Vulnerabilities have been discovered in the Android browser. Android user has a capability of downloading anything. One must ensure he or she reads the security details before installing any download. Androids put some security burden on the end user, thus put the phone at risk since users cannot know all security details for the phone during downloads (Jones, 2010).

Current security features of iPhones

Apple has a very sophisticated memory safety system and their constraints that iPhone code must be digitally indicated are the most significant security features of iPhones. There is vetting by the apple company before the release of iPhone device into the market. Apple serves as a gatekeeper in protecting malicious applications from getting into the system. Spyphone has been created by Seriot to use the applications programming interface to attain all the data on phone that can be used to trail users and their activities. There is a very elaborate process for issuing application certificates to developers. Apple have control over iPhone users downloads and safety of downloads ensuring users do not introduce unwanted files to the phone.

IPhone has auto lock after a period and a pass code for unlocking. Managing password and implementation of additional safety measures for sensitive data or files require installation of third party software. Most of the password management software provides ability for the users to randomly generate password, which is a key feature in improving online security. Apple's MobileMe service provide a Find My iPhone feature that provide user with various functionalities incase the phone is stolen or lost. Users are capable of viewing their iPhone's location over the internet, send a text to the iPhone, and wipe or lock the device remotely as required. Mobile active defense normally filter e-mails via the server before delivery. This help to prevent spam related frustration. There is a file protection provision to ensure that sensitive files are adequately protected. The security updates are available to protect the phones during real time and on demand.

Wi-Fi support makes iPhone connect to faster networks and give better data coverage. Wi-Fi Protected Access helps to secure personal Wi-Fi networks. There is jailbreaking to open iPhone from restrictions of Apple (Al Sacco, 2008).

IPhone security flaws

IPhone applications are all given similar limited default data and same means of resource access. If something malicious gets into the system, it will cause significant damage. Security laxity was noted at Apple's apps store after some applications were discovered to harvest users' data or details, either unintentionally or intentionally. This led to the applications being pulled out. IPhones do not accept third party software to execute at the background this normally limit the chances of device recovery. Spam arrest give aggressive challenges making their usage hard, they subject anyone who sends you e-mail to various query to authenticate identity; this limit correspondence in email services.

Future security

Mobile phones have become more advance and has increased security threats since they are accessible to many. The companies are employing or planning to employ security measures, which have been applied in computes and other devices. Advanced RISC Machines (ARM) are getting prevalence in cell phones. Most focus has been on Android/iPhone that suffered different attacks in 2010. Wi-Fi hijacking have been for the past period computer wireless network problems. Development into phone industries has influence the use of it. This is a condition where attacker hijacks ongoing connection and assumed identity of the victims. IP spoofing refers to replacement of IP address of the sender with a different IP address. This provides an opportunity for attack and need to be well tacked in the phone industries. These problems are not fully resolve in the computer security and are continuously subject of review. The Smartphone industries must now try to assist in the invention or development of existing technologies. Revolution in the phone industry has been the threat and future security requirement for the industry to take great interest and make big investments.


Both the iPhone and Androids are very susceptible to web-based malwares and need to improve on the internet security measures. The openness of android has attracted many consumers, and has widened the market share of the phones. Both Smartphone's have various security measures that are implemented to safeguard the user and to allow users enjoy their benefits. Security factor is an essential feature most phone users consider and a determinant of the prices. Due to sophistication of technologies, hackers employ various technologies to bypass these security measures.

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