
8 年前 301次浏览 加拿大戴尔豪西代写论文:集束教育已关闭评论



The origin of all these cluster bombs landing in Laos is caused by the United States of America which happened around 50 years ago. Yet, even today they still did not take the responsibility and blame to aid Laos in clearing the cluster bomb. United States, which caused most of these injuries, has done little to restore the damage towards a neutral country. During the Vietnam War, USA planned to stop the growing communist movement in Laos and destroy the North Vietnamese army's Ho Chi Minh trail. The Ho Chi Minh trail runs through Laos and is a convenient route that can easily transport troops and supplies from North to South Vietnam (Bomb Hunters). The United States called Laos "the Other Theatre", due to the reason that what they did there was conducted covertly and secretly. What the USA did during that time to Laos was far beyond gruesome and reality that no one would have imagined. US pilots were told that they could ignore the rules of engagement in Laos, which had to be kept in Vietnam and Cambodia. Bombers were free to bomb whatever they liked: temples, hospitals, schools, villages, anything. It was unbelievable that Laos was also used as a dumping ground for US pilots returning to base in Thailand from raids in Vietnam. The pilots were ordered to return with no bombs on board (Wiseman). The US basically did not care and value any human life, targeting any victims available. They are simply annihilating any area whether human beings are in it or not. The Vietnam War turned Laos, a country that was once clean and environmentally fresh into a place full of obstacles and booby traps, where the penalty of one wrong stop or mishap is death and dismemberment (Wiseman). The U.S. government has been reluctant to take an active role in the clearance of bombs.So what help and support has the U.S. brought to Laos after the war? Nothing. Although, the U.S. Defense Department intends to train instructors and build programs in Laos to instruct them about cluster bombs (Wiseman). Sadly, that idea has yet to become a reality. Even if the people in Laos could attempt to get reparation and money for all their human losses, all of it doesn't matter. It's not about dollars; it's about human decency, human rights and human value (Laos reaps...). In the U.S., CIA recruited a California-based group comprised of Hmong people to fight Communism. That group of people opposes aid to Laos, and even refuses to donate and support them (MacKinnon). Time has gone by, and yet no effort of change has been made. It is a total disaster.

