
5 年前 356次浏览 加拿大多伦多地理作业代写:玉米灌浆期的影响已关闭评论

最后,研究了干旱胁迫对玉米灌浆期的影响。在植物生长周期的最后50-60天内会发生籽粒灌浆和成熟期,在这段时间内的任何压力都会导致最终产量每天减少3% - 4%(普渡大学)。衣阿华州立大学指出:“在谷物灌浆干旱胁迫期间,叶片组织过早死亡,谷物灌浆期缩短,倒伏增加,籽粒减少,籽粒重量减轻(衣阿华州立大学,2017)。“这对最终产量是有害的,因为玉米重量轻影响了农民的收成。然而,一旦作物达到生理成熟,减产几乎是闻未闻的,因此,理解和认识作物的发育阶段,以帮助确定潜在的减产和作物的压力是很重要的。普渡大学提供统计产量减少百分比基于发展阶段的作物:“十天前两周到期产量减少导致四到百分之五,前三周成熟结果:10 -百分之二十+减少粮食质量和到期前一个月的结果:35百分之五十,粮食一般不是有价(普渡大学)。“现在我们来谈谈大豆干旱相关问题的影响。大豆的干旱症状也表现在与玉米相似的叶片上。“大豆对干旱胁迫的反应是翻转叶片,这样大豆叶片的底部就向上翻(爱荷华州立大学,2017年)。然而,就像任何作物在压力下,没有那么明显的迹象。大豆干旱胁迫的一个不太明显的迹象就是营养生长的减少。


Lastly, the effects of drought-related stress on corn during grain filling stages. Grain filling and maturity occur in the last 50-60 days of the plants growth cycle and any kind of stress during this time can reduce final yield up to three to four percent per day (Purdue University). Iowa State University states that “during grain fill drought stress results in premature death of leaf tissue, shortened grain fill periods, increased lodging, fewer kernels, and light kernel weight (Iowa State University, 2017).” This is damaging to final yield due to light kernel weight affecting the price the farmer will receive for their crop. However, once the crop reaches physiological maturity the reduction in yield is almost un-heard of, so again it is important to understand and recognize the crops developmental stages to assist in determining potential yield reductions and stress in the crop. Purdue University provides statistical yield reduction percentages based on developmental stages that the crop is in: “ten days to two weeks before maturity results in four to five percent yield reduction, three weeks before maturity results in: ten to twenty percent plus reduction in grain quality and one month before maturity results in: thirty-five to fifty percent with grain generally not being marketable (Purdue University).”Now moving onto the effects of drought-related issues in soybeans. Drought symptoms in soybeans are also exhibited in their leaves similar to corn. “Soybeans respond to drought stress by flipping their leaves over so the underside of the soybean leaf is turned up (Iowa State University, 2017).” However, like any crop under stress there are less obvious signs. One less obvious sign of soybean drought stress can simply be decreased vegetative growth.

