
6年前 238次浏览 加拿大多伦多论文代写:学术机构已关闭评论

学术机构几乎无一例外地面临财政问题和限制。由于拥挤的学校学生负担沉重,公立学校大多面临财政限制,学生的学习设施很少。如果可能的话,父母可以利用私人机构的服务来帮助他们的孩子获得更好的教育。另外,家长也可以聘请外部/私人的辅导或辅导来提高孩子的能力,因为如前所述,大多数公立学校过于拥挤,每个班级都有高中生,这就限制了学生和老师之间的充分互动。在开伯尔机构(Khyber Agency),父母的平均收入使大多数家庭无法让自己的孩子进入更高水平、更具竞争力的机构,也无法选择接受外部的教育和辅导。人们普遍认为,尽管教育在任何国家的发展中都起着如此重要的作用,但教育部门作为一个整体是巴基斯坦管理最差的政府部门。如前所述,国家政府从来没有为这个部门分配必要的资源,导致全国的识字率较低。有必要根据当地社区的需要建立一个供资教育的结构系统,并在区域一级接受审计管制。


Academic institutions, with few exceptions face financial problems and constraints. Mostly Public sector schools face financial constraints due to the high burden of students in crowed institutions where facilities for students are minimal. If financially possible, parents utilize the services of private institutions to help their children get better education. Alternatively, parents may employ external/private tuition or coaching to enhance their children's competence because, as mentioned, most state schools are overcrowded with high student's numbers per class which prohibits adequate student - teacher interaction. In Khyber Agency, the average income of parents prevents most families from seeking to enroll their children into the higher standard and more competitive institutions or opt for external tuition and coaching. It is generally acknowledged that the education department as a whole is the most badly administered governmental sector in Pakistan in spite of the fact that education plays such a vital role in the development of any country. As mentioned earlier, the national government has never allotted the necessary resources to this department, resulting in a poor literacy rate country-wide. A structured system for funding education is necessary based on local community needs and subject to audit control at regional level.

