
7 年前 263次浏览 加拿大多伦多论文代写:终生的过程已关闭评论



Learning is a life-long process. It starts from the very first day of life to the very last day of the life. Most of the people think that, the learning or studying happens only in school or college life. This thinking may be more from the adults.Adult learners will have many responsibilities unlike a fresh high school student. Most of the adults are full time workers and full time parents too. They always have many barriers to learn. These barriers can be divided into various categories. It can be physical barrier, attitudinal barrier or a structural barrier. It is true that adults always face some challenges that younger people don’t have to face. Some of the studies show that many adult women also face lots of barriers like early pregnancy, low socio-economic status and child care and many more as a barrier to learn. These barriers will be broadly discussed. A fundamental aspect to continuing higher education is identifying and overcoming of barriers to adult learning.The main purpose of this assignment is identifying why adults are less in learning process. In this way, I will mainly focus on the barriers to adult learning. Later in the assignment, I will try to provide some ideas to overcome or reduce the barriers in adult learning.

