
8 年前 257次浏览 加拿大公民权利学论文代写:懒惰的早期年龄已关闭评论



It is important to know how to assist these individuals especially during the early ages of indolence from age 7 to 8 in setting their goals and working towards attaining the set goals. There are several steps to be taken into consideration in assisting them, these include: First start by working with them to create an action-oriented goal, which can be achieved within a week. This is to say that within the next seven days these goals should be achieved. In this child's point of view seven days is good time to work because it does not take too long for them. This will give them enough time to prove their talent with variety of actions. Secondly, you can help them realize on how to work towards achieving the set goal, for example let them know if they want to achieve the set goal, what can they do right now or this very day in order to achieve the set goal. They should put it down on pen and paper and work towards ensuring that it is achieved as it has been set. This will help the child know how to work towards the goal. Thirdly, they can be assisted to know after knowing what to do today, and then they should think about what they will do tomorrow. By focusing on tomorrow, this child will have an opportunity to think about the future. Even though tomorrow may seem to be so near, this young adolescent may not be having any idea on what may take place tomorrow. Thinking ahead will automatically make their brain a focus point. This is very important because they are now learning how to water the seed of idea, which they have planted, and nurturing it

