
8 年前 275次浏览 加拿大工业工程代写论文:游戏练习学习已关闭评论



Games are indicated that they make learning second language easier and improve retention because students learn through practice. There is a famous saying: "Practice makes perfect". Students can not master a language if they do not use it. Games are not only one pleasant way of practicing but they are also help students remember better. There is evidence showing that games allow students to focus well enough to learn better. For instance, rewriting a lesson with a story context combined with a challenge for the student to overcome (in other words, making it into a game) significantly improves the learning performance of children. Games also support maintaining what students have learned. When students are having fun the language that they hear and use is more likely to make an impression on their memory and so be easy to recall in the future. In teaching vocabulary, it seems that this field draws many researchers' attention. Uberman (1998) proceeded practical examples of using games for vocabulary introduction and revision. In the first part of the research, he evaluated the helpfulness of games in presenting vocabulary. He compared two groups which studied the same content but in different ways. He used a presentation game with the first group and with the other translation and context guessing. The result is the group which had learned vocabulary through games performed significantly better. However, it is especially interesting and surprising that the second group also received high scores for the game. In the second part, he compared two groups; one use matching and defining exercises to revise vocabulary while the second one use cross-word. After a small test, the result showed that the second group performed slightly better.

