
6 年前 271次浏览 加拿大环境学论文代写:发电方式已关闭评论

多年来,支持核能的游说团体一直认为,核能是一种清洁、经济和高效的发电方式;适用于中大型连续发电。在核电站,除了核反应堆,其他设备的工作原理与燃煤或燃气发电厂类似。然而,与煤、石油和天然气相比,这些核电站使用的燃料价格更低,使用范围更广,这使得更广泛使用核能的理由更具吸引力。这在石油价格徘徊在70 - 73美元/桶,北海油井的天然气开始枯竭的今天尤为重要。随着温室气体和排放问题的增加,以及在政治环境不断变化和不稳定的情况下化石燃料供应的不确定性,核能选择无疑得到了强大的推动。反核活动人士关注的焦点是一些令人担忧的问题。他们的第一个争论是关于预期的核电站二氧化碳排放量的减少;对他们来说,这不过是赤裸裸的宣传。在美国,世界上大部分铀都在美国进行浓缩,包括澳大利亚位于肯塔基州帕杜卡的铀浓缩设施。美国需要两座1000兆瓦燃煤电厂的电力输出,这些电厂排放的大量二氧化碳是全球变暖的50%。此外,这家位于俄亥俄州朴茨茅斯(Portsmouth)的铀浓缩设施,每年从漏出的管道中释放出美国97%的氟氯烃气体。《蒙特利尔议定书》现在禁止生产和释放氯氟化碳气体,因为它是造成平流层臭氧耗损的罪魁祸首。但CFC在全球变暖,其强度是二氧化碳的1万到2万倍。


It has been the case of the pro nuclear power lobby, for many years now, that nuclear energy is a clean, economic and efficient way to generate power; ideal for continuous generation of medium and large scale electricity. In nuclear power stations, apart from the nuclear reactors, the rest of the equipment works similarly to those in coal or gas fuelled power plants. However, the cheaper and more widely available fuel used by these nuclear plants, compared to those fired by coal, oil and gas, makes the case for its’ wider use attractive. This is especially relevant today with oil hovering in the range of 70 to 73 USD per barrel, and gas from the North Sea wells beginning to run out. With the increase in greenhouse and emission problems and the uncertainty of fossil fuel supplies in a shifting and unstable political environment, the nuclear power option has definitely got itself a strong tailwind.The concerns of the anti nuclear campaigners focus on a number of worrying issues. Their first contention concerns the forecasted reduction of carbon dioxide emission from nuclear power plants; this to them is no more than blatant propaganda.In the US, where much of the world’s uranium is enriched, including Australia’s, the enrichment facility at Paducah, Kentucky, requires the electrical output of two 1000-megawatt coal-fired plants, which emit large quantities of carbon dioxide, the gas responsible for 50per cent of global warming. Also, this enrichment facility and another at Portsmouth, Ohio, release from leaky pipes 93per cent of the chlorofluorocarbon gas emitted yearly in the US. The production and release of CFC gas is now banned internationally by the Montreal Protocol because it is the main culprit responsible for stratospheric ozone depletion. But CFC is also a global warmer, 10,000 to 20,000 times more potent than carbon dioxide.

