
8 年前 280次浏览 加拿大卡莫森学院论文代写:技术使世界发展迅速已关闭评论



The final strategy of focus can be either a cost leadership or differentiation strategy aimed toward a narrow, focused market. In work at a cost leadership strategy Tesco should focuses for creation of internal efficiencies that will help them withstand external pressures. Tesco has to think that Tesco have to have frequent interactions with the governmental/regulatory and supplier sectors of the environment. In accordance to this work, while both overall cost leadership and differentiation strategies are intend by at the broad market, Tesco may also choose to restrict their product to specific market areas or may choose to offer a smaller line of products to the broad market, thus pursuing a strategy of focus or niche (Porter, 1980). In other words, Tesco follow a strategy of cost leadership or differentiation either in a specific market or with specific products.The danger some organization face is that they try to do all three and become what is known as stuck in the middle. In case of Tesco it is not allot, as they do have a clear business strategy with a clearly defined market segment.

