加拿大克亚诺学院论文代写 :糖果店

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加拿大克亚诺学院论文代写 :糖果店

The government would have to collect taxes from the shop therefore the candy store would have to pay the normal tax rates. The business doesn't need to be privatised because the property that they are going to use is in Brunel University. They have to follow the health and safety regulation due to being in the packed food industry. The business would not have control on the spending of the public funds however since they would pay tax they would want to know where the government is using the tax that they pay. The store will be less likely to be affected with the interest and inflation rate because the products are not very expensive therefore there would be minimal effect on the sales of the shop. If the store keeps the service friendly, helpful and has policies to deal with situations like sales return these factors would help create consumer confidence. The rate of unemployment would affect the business due to the reason that the people would be less likely to spend their disposable income on things like candy therefore they should develop a strategy that would help them keep going at the time of recession. The labour cost would be how much money they would spend on recruitment and the recruitment process.

