
6 年前 202次浏览 加拿大论文代写:坚信简单的思想已关闭评论

休谟小的时候就读于爱丁堡大学,他如饥似渴地阅读沃特(Voet)、文纽斯(Vinnius)、西塞罗(Cicero)和维吉尔(Virgil)的著作。大卫·休谟深受约翰·洛克和乔治·伯克利的影响。他还受到说法语的皮埃尔•贝勒(Pierre Bayle)和许多英国知识界知名人士的影响,如伊萨克•牛顿(Issac Newton)、塞缪尔•克拉克(Samuel Clark)、弗兰西斯•哈奇森(Francis Hutcheson),哈奇森是贝勒的老师,约瑟夫•巴特勒(Joseph Butler)为他的第一本书提供了反馈。休谟属于英国经验主义哲学流派。休谟的经验论既有积极的目标,也有消极的目标。这些目标都坚信简单的思想可以结合成复杂的思想。这一时期的反哲学学派是大陆理性主义者。英国经验主义者非常重视经验,而大陆理性主义者则努力打破中世纪的观念。休谟花了很多时间写宗教,但很难从他所写的宗教观点中辨别出他自己的宗教观点。他生活在一个无神论者会给社会带来严重后果的时代。休谟从来没有公开宣称自己是无神论者,他的著作在这个问题上只是含糊不清。在他的许多作品中,他抨击了宗教和基督教信仰的许多基本假设,但在其他作品中,他声称,“他的整个自然框架表明他是一个聪明的作家。”学者们曾经说过,休谟也许是不信教的,而不是无神论者。休谟“不相信神的标准theisma€¦但他不排除所有神”的概念。


When Hume was a young boy attending the University of Edinburgh he devoured books written by Voet, Vinnius, Cicero and Virgil. David Hume was heavily influenced by both John Locke and George Berkeley. He was also influenced by French-speaking Pierre Bayle and many prominent figures on the English intellectual landscape such as Issac Newton, Samuel Clark, Francis Hutcheson, who served as his teacher, and Joseph Butler who provided him feedback on his first work. Hume belongs to the philosophical school of British Empiricism. Hume writes his Empiricism with a combination of both positive and negative aims. These aims are strongly cornered on the belief that simple ideas are combined to form complex ideas. The counter philosophical school during this time period were the Continental Rationalists. The British Empiricists put great value in experience whereas the Continental Rationalists worked to break down the views held during the Medieval Ages.Hume spent much of his time writing about religion, but it is difficult to discern his own religious views from the ones he writes about. He was living in a time where being an atheist could bring about harsh consequences in society. Hume never came out and declared himself an atheist and his writings showed nothing but ambiguity on the subject. In many of his writings he attacks many of the basic assumptions of religion and Christian beliefs, yet in other works he claims that, “[t]he whole frame of nature bespeaks an intelligent author.” It has been said by scholars that perhaps Hume was irreligious as opposed to atheist. Hume “did not believe in the God of standard theism… but he did not rule out all concepts of deity.”

