
6年前 223次浏览 加拿大论文代写:移情已经识别已关闭评论

此外,当移情时,移情已经识别出人们可以使用的一些不同的方法。这就是移情反应,观点接受和同情反应。首先,“移情反应是体验一种与另一个人的实际或预期情绪表现平行的情绪反应。”(Verderber, 2004,第211页)。例如,当雇主告诉员工将失去工作时,员工会经历移情反应。雇主应该感觉到员工的悲伤,那种深深的悲伤就是员工的感受。移情反应法是最容易使用的方法,当人们与他人有亲密或亲密的关系时,他们之间会有一种强烈的关系纽带,这种关系纽带更容易与他人的感受、情感和经历产生共鸣。回到这个例子,如果雇主和雇员之间的关系很好,雇主可能知道雇员的感受。雇主的职位应该理解和感受雇员的感受,雇主要同情雇员的感受是失去工作。清楚了解员工的感受是一个成功雇主必须知道的一点。所以总的来说,移情反应最容易发生在亲密的人之间。


In the addition, when empathizing, empathy has identified some different approaches that people can use. That is empathic responsiveness, perspective taking, and sympathetic responsiveness. Firstly, “Empathic responsiveness is experiencing an emotional response parallel to another person’s actual or anticipates display of emotion.” (Verderber, 2004, p. 211). For example, when employer tells employee will lose their job, employee will have experienced empathic responsiveness. Employer should be senses the sadness of that employee, that deeply sad feeling is the feels of employee. The empathic responsiveness approach is the most easy to use, when people have a close or intimate relationship with other person, they will have a strong relationship bond between each other, which can identify more easily with the other’s feelings, emotion and experiences it along with other. So back to the example, if they have a good relationship between employer and employee, the employer may know what the employee is feeling. The position of the employer should understands and feelings the employee feel, employer has to empathy the feelings of employee is loses their jobs. Clearly understanding of feelings of employee is a point of a successful employer must be known. So in general, empathic responsiveness is most easily with close person with each other.

