
8 年前 399次浏览 加拿大女王代写论文:紧急教育已关闭评论



Emergency education has been defined as a set of linked project activities that enable structured learning to continue in times of acute crisis or long-term instability.[1] Emergency education was introduced in the mid-1990s to find a solution for fulfilling children's rights to education in times of emergency.[2] It was more so important due to crises lasting for long periods of time. The aim was to find ways of ensuring that children's rights to education and their rights to protection are maintained in practice during conflicts or disasters so that they can be prepared for a better future and can contribute to the rebuilding of their society when the crisis is over.[3] Midttun stated "Emergencies include the acute, the chronically unstable as well as the return and early rehabilitation phases".The mid-decade meeting on Education for All Amman 1996 emphasised basic education in emergency situations and recommended the classification of schools as safety zones to be preserved in times of conflict, highlighting the importance of education even in times of war.[5] In 1993, the United Nations presented a resolution with a request for a study into ways of improving the protection of children affected by armed conflicts.[6] The 1996 Report of the Expert on the Impact of Armed Conflict on Children (the Machel Report)[7] referred several times to schooling as a vital tool for promoting psychological well-being after trauma and for conveying messages relating to health, mine awareness, human rights and peace and tolerance.[8] These reports and international discussions illustrates that the international community is aware that the right to education in conflict lacks a proper mechanism to ensure that children receive the education that has been guaranteed as a right.

