
7 年前 307次浏览 加拿大欧洲问题研究代写论文:主体的知识和态度已关闭评论



However, the implementation of changes in the curriculum requires the collaboration of various stakeholders, more specifically educators and students. In addition, teachers' knowledge and attitude to the subject and students' expectations are important challenges to these changes. Introducing ESD in Jamaica, began with analyzing the very concept through lectures, projects and discussions. Children were able to relate to a number of issues related to the society, the environment and the economy. For instance, they analyzed the root causes of violence, the impact and alternatives to violence in their society (Down, 2006). According to Down (2006), the challenge is balancing ESD content and syllabus demands. Many educators at first argued that integrating this concept in the curriculum was unnecessary. After extensive research however, they came to the realization that strands of ESD was already included in lessons in a fragmented approach. However, ESD in itself offered a more holistic approach to learning. On the other hand, pupils themselves have fixed expectations of the syllabus, but they positively responded to the concept. They believed that ESD allowed for more enriching classes and was very relevant in today's world.

