
5年前 421次浏览 加拿大人力资源代写:劳务合同已关闭评论

兼职合同:兼职合同是每周工作时间较少的就业机会。然而,这些员工轮班工作,可以在自由和年假期间调用。要被视为兼职,工人通常必须每周工作30小时以下。一个例子是劳埃德药房的销售助理;每周工作三小时。雇主和雇员的好处是合同简单;雇员工作时间较短,因此不能过度工作,而雇主在他们身上花的工资预算较少。这种安排的缺点是,雇员得到的钱更少,如果他们有效地发挥他们的作用,雇主不能永久使用他们,只能在与他们的合同相关的情况下使用他们的能力。固定期限合同:固定期限合同是由雇主提供的,雇主同意合同在规定期限结束或工作完成时终止。这方面的一个例子可能是拉尔夫•劳伦(Ralph Lauren)等零售店的圣诞节临时合同,让员工在12月继续工作。固定期限合同是有利的,因为它们可以在雇主需要的时候提供额外的员工,而不会在到期时永久地过度行使其预算。它帮助了员工,因为它是暂时的,因此可以用来补充现有的收入。它是不利的,因为它是暂时的,最终会到期,就像兼职合同的缺点一样。


Part-time contract: Part time contracts are employment opportunities that offer fewer hours per week. These employees work rotational shifts, however, can be called when free and during annual leave. To be deemed part-time, workers generally must work under 30 hours per week. An example of which is a sales assistant at Lloyds Pharmacy; working three hours every week day. The advantages for the employer and employee is the simplicity of the contract; the employee works shorter hours and therefore cannot over extend themselves at work and the employer spends less of their wage budget on them. The disadvantages of this arrangement is that the employee receives less money and if they are effective in their role, the employer cannot use them permanently and can only use their abilities in correlation with their contract.Fixed-term contract: Fixed-term contracts are provided by employers – agreeing that the contract will expire upon the end of a specified period or the completion of a job. An example of this could be a Christmas temporary contract in a retail store such as Ralph Lauren, keeping the employee in work over December. Fixed term contracts are advantageous as they provide the employer with extra staff in times where they are required, without over exercising their budget permanently upon the time of expiry. It aids the employees in the sense that it is temporary, therefore would be used to supplement an existing income. It is disadvantageous because it temporary and will eventually expire, like the disadvantages of part-time contracts.

