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广告主在其商业策略中运用的一种理论方法是情感条件作用。广告商人大卫·奥美(David Ogilvy)于1982年首次将行为矫正技术引入广告(Baker, 1999)。概念是找到一个方法来转移人的注意力从一个项目到另一个,这对于广告作品,因为说有人试图做饭虽然在后台有电视但由于情感调节那个人是如此投入的电视是他们的注意力被从烹饪转向商业。情感条件作用是一种行为矫正技术,它允许一个人将积极联想到一个让人想起积极记忆的无生命的物体(Dawson, Rissling, Schell & Wilcox, 2007)。这个概念已经证明通过例如口香糖广告,涉及一种亲密的情侣接吻,现在在大多数公众的眼睛,这被认为是积极的,带来了快乐的感觉,他们可能或可能渴望,这表明生成更高的销售利率。梅兰妮·邓普西(Melanie Dempsey)和安德鲁·米切尔(Andrew Mitchell)在2010年进行的一项研究显示,竞争对手的两支笔中,一支笔的功能优于另一支,因此从逻辑上讲,人们应该选择性能更好的那支。结果表明,大多数参与者选择表现较差的笔,是因为它是由一只微笑的泰迪熊拿着的(Dempsey and Mitchell,2010)。这说明了如何将代表积极情绪的物品放置在接近产品的地方,这种情绪可以传递到产品上,从而让消费者在看笔的时候联想到泰迪熊的情绪。尽管这些讨论中的研究都是在科学的程序中进行的,但也存在怀疑,因为这是研究的本质,所有这些研究都是以观点开始的,所以它们引发其他观点才有意义。


A theoretical approach that Advertisers have utilized in their commercial strategies is affective conditioning. David Ogilvy, an advertising businessman, first introduced the idea of using behavior modification techniques into advertising in 1982 (Baker, 1999). The concept was to find a way to transfer a person’s attention from one item to another, this works for commercials because say someone is trying to cook dinner while having the television on in the background but due to affective conditioning that person is so invested in what’s the television that their attention gets shifted from cooking to the commercial. Affective conditioning is a type of behavior modification technique that allows a person to associate positivity to an inanimate object that is reminiscent of positive memories (Dawson, Rissling, Schell & Wilcox, 2007). This concept has been demonstrated through for instance a chewing gum advertisement that involves an intimate couple kissing, now in the majority of the public’s eye, this is thought to be positive and brings a sense of joy that they might have or might aspire to have and this has shown to generate higher selling rates. A study done by Melanie Dempsey and Andrew Mitchell in (2010), had shown two pens from competing companies, one pen had superior features compared to the other so logically people should choose the higher performing pen. The results showed that majority of the participants chose the lesser performing pen due to the fact that it was being held by a smiling teddy bear (Dempsey and Mitchell,2010). This illustrates how placing items that represent positivity in near proximity to a product, the feelings can be transferred to the product and thus the consumers associate teddy bear feelings when looking at a pen. Even though the studies in these discussions have been conducted in a scientific procedure, there is skepticism because that’s the nature of research and all of these studies started off as opinions, so it only makes sense that they give rise to other opinions.

