加拿大商科作业代写 员工忠诚度

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加拿大商科作业代写 员工忠诚度

Many types of research have been conducted the relationship to explore different variables have an impact on employee satisfaction and employee loyalty; some study focuses on the relationship between employee satisfaction and loyalty in a single sector or industry. Although many researchers have already indicated the relationship between employee satisfaction and employee loyalty in their individual companies researchers did not test the relationship between employee satisfaction and employee loyalty among different sectors. A study tried to examine the relationship between the effect of HRM, employee satisfaction and loyalty. Some research focuses on the impact of the training of employee job satisfaction on employee loyalty in the lodging industry. The study tried to focus on the relationship between employee satisfaction and employee loyalty in the lodging industry, which could not stand for a situation in the general situation. Compare within the lodging industry, this study targets general industries instead of the lodging industry. The relationship between employee satisfaction and employee loyalty is studied in the government sector. The study tries to identify the successful total quality management implementation (TQM) in government has a positive impact on employee satisfaction and employee loyalty instead of interpersonal trust. Empirical research has examined the interpersonal trust has an impact on different dependent variables, for example, the relationship between interpersonal trust and organizational behaviours (MaAllister, 1995; Podsakoff, Mackenzie, Moorman & Fetter, 1990; Robinson, 1996), or workgroup performance (Kurt T. Dirks, 1999). So, the relationship between employee satisfaction, interpersonal trust and employee loyalty is still a new area to study. Based on the past research and current situation, we could still say the relationship between them is a new area to discover.

