
5年前 191次浏览 加拿大社会学作业代写:商业盈利已关闭评论



However, like Marx, Durkheim believes that social progress usually depends on finding other ways to develop the potential for the persons fulfilment and freedom contained within the structural features specific to modern societies. However also, even though Emilie Durkheim and Marx also share the same belief and opinion that the division of labour, and also the social relationships, within which we coordinate how we produce what we need to survive, from part of the shared moral and political environment of society and should be treated as such, rather than being seen only as an issue of commercial profitability. However, according to Marx, the opportunity to the benefits of modernization in terms of harnessing the power of capitalist processes will only be possible when the class- based productive system characteristic of capitalism is put to an end. In contrast rather than economics. He argues that ‘a state of order of peace among men cannot follow of itself from any entirely material cause, from any blind mechanism however scientific it may be. It is a moral task’.However, Durkheim was convinced that sociology could fulfil this need for an objective, verifiable and empirically grounded science of moral beliefs. More specifically, Durkheim argued that such a sociology of moral and beliefs, would enable the discovery of the most appropriate moral framework for the complex, socially differentiated and primarily secular societies of Europe, and specifically of France.

