
6年前 205次浏览 加拿大市场学论文代写:咖啡和红樱桃已关闭评论

关于价格,红樱桃和晒干咖啡的价格是不同的。晒干咖啡的价格比红樱桃高。在研究区域的所有样本农场应答者报告说,在上一个收获季节,红樱桃的平均价格接近6 Birr/kg,而晒干咖啡的平均价格为24.4 Birr/kg。但这两种咖啡的价格都在不时地波动。农民向合作社和当地商人出售咖啡。他们更愿意把咖啡卖给合作社,因为大多数样本农户都是合作社的成员,而且合作社生产红樱桃和晒干咖啡的价格比其他当地商人的价格要高。但是,合作社在季节的早期和晚期并不活跃,他们更喜欢购买红樱桃。在此期间,由于议价能力有限,农民被迫以较低的价格向当地商人出售咖啡(尤其是晒干的)。根据调查结果,样本受访者回答说,市场上没有统一的咖啡价格。咖啡价格差异的原因是色差、质量差和农民谈判能力。价格完全由商人在交易期间与农民谈判决定。大多数农民回答说他们是价格接受者。价格制定者主要是当地商人,只有的农民能够决定咖啡的价格。


Regarding with price, there is a difference in the price between red cherry and sun-dried coffee. The price of sun-dried coffee was higher than that of red cherry. All of the sample farm respondents in the study area reported that the average price for red cherry was nearly 6 Birr/kg during the last harvest season whereas for sun-dried coffee the mean price was 24.4 Birr/kg. But the prices of both types of coffee were fluctuating from time to time.Farmers sell their coffee for cooperatives as well as local traders. They preferred to sell their coffee to cooperatives because most of the sample farm households are members of the cooperatives and the prices of cooperatives for red cherry and sun-dried coffee were better than the other local traders. But, cooperatives were not active participants in the early and late seasons and favored to buy red cherry. During this time farmers were forced to sell their coffee (especially sun-dried) to local traders at a lower price due to limited bargaining power.According to the survey result, the sample respondents replied that there is no uniform coffee price at the market place. The reason for difference in the price of coffee was color difference (2.6%), quality difference (89.7%) and Farmer’s negotiating capacity  Prices were exclusively determined by traders negotiating with farmers during time of transaction. Majority of farmers responded that they were price takers. Price setters were mostly local traders and only 18.3% of the farmers were in a position to decide on coffee price.

