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卡尔曼和Grillo的状态,没有实际的特殊类计算机伦理但在电脑所涉及的伦理情境已经发生了急剧的变化情况。计算机已经解决了有关言论自由,管辖权,匿名性和信任的关注。也有一些关于个人信息在互联网上的特点的关注。简言之,互联网已经成功了,所以每个人都可以成为作家,作者可以匿名。这导致了信任问题。如果有人能发表,我们如何相信这些信息?它也导致了关于言论自由的问题,因为互联网是如此匿名的人可以写或做任何他们想要的。他们可以发布可恶的信息和犯仇恨罪。另一个问题是,互联网是全球性的,不同的国家有不同的法律,谁有管辖权时,法律被打破?一些国家建立了一个全球性的防火墙来审查人口不受欢迎的政治或社会观点。最后,有什么问题,人们在网上关于隐私。我真的不明白这个问题,但这不是重点。问题是计算机使这些问题变得更加广泛和普遍,是的,这些话题在普通伦理学中被谈论,但他们被单独讨论过。在计算机中,它们都同时出现,并以不同的方式汇聚,以产生一系列新的问题。他认为计算机伦理学作为一个特定的领域,我们确定的政策措施,在电脑前是不存在的。他指出,计算机伦理学试图澄清围绕这些问题的概念混乱,并制定和证明新政策的地区没有任何政策或政策已被打破。那么,谁是最好的人来研究这种新的道德形式呢?在文章中,对职业道德教学的计算机科学专业学生的重要性,Gordana和Dodig Crnkovic有一个有趣的想法。他们说,为了了解计算机伦理问题,我们需要一种新型的人。我们需要有人了解计算机所扮演的文化角色,他们还必须了解问题的技术细节。简而言之,我们需要有人了解社会的后果,以及计算机科学的一部分。因此,用计算机科学教授计算机伦理学是有道理的。因此,不仅是我们的计算机科学框架的一部分,但技术知识的人更适合计算机伦理。下一个问题是课堂上应该使用什么伦理学理论。当然,试图使用宗教伦理理论是不恰当的,那么我们应该怎样使用呢?我们应该使用功利主义还是美德伦理学?我读到的一篇文章说,许多哲学家认为,传统的道德理论不能适用于所有的计算机伦理问题。这些道德理论包括义务论、功利、和德性(美德伦理)理论。我还读了另一篇文章,建议我们使用混合方法。它建议高中生可以很容易地使用康德的道德和美德伦理达到道德决策。学生必须找到一个解决方案,这两个道德理论应用。


Kallman and Grillo state that there is no actual special category for computer ethics but the ethical situations in which computers are involved have drastically changed the situation. Computers have addressed the concerns related to free speech, jurisdiction, anonymity, and trust. There are also some concerns about the characteristics of personal information on the Internet. In short the Internet has made it so everybody can be an author and the author can be anonymous. This has led to problems with trust. If anyone can publish, how can we trust the information? It has also led to questions about free speech because the Internet is so anonymous people can write or do whatever they want. They can publish hateful messages and commit hate crimes. Another problem is that the Internet is global and different countries have different laws so who has jurisdiction when a law is broken? Some countries have erected a global firewall to censor the population to unwanted political or social views. Lastly there is a problem with what people put up online regarding privacy. I did not really understand this issue but that is not the point. The point is that computers have made these problems more wide spread and prevalent and yes these topics were talked about in the regular ethics, but they were talked about individually. In computers they all come at the same time and converge in different ways to create a new set of issues Moor has a nice way to address it . He views computer ethics as a specific field where we identify policy vacuums that before the computer did not exist. He states that computer ethics attempts to clarify conceptual confusion surrounding these issues and to formulate and justify new policies in areas with either no policies or policies that have been broken. So who would be the best people to study this new form of ethics? In the article, On the Importance of Teaching Professional Ethics to Computer Science Students, Gordana and Dodig-Crnkovic has an interesting idea. They say that In order to understand computer ethics problems we need a new type of person. We need someone who understands the cultural roles that computers play and they also have to have an understanding of the technical details of the problem. In short we need someone who understands social ramifications as well as the computer science part. Thus it makes sense to teach computer ethics with computer science. So not only is it part of our computer science framework but people with technical knowledge are better suited for computer ethics. The next question would be what ethical theories should be used in the classroom. It is of course not appropriate to attempt to use religious ethical theories so what should we use? Should we use utilitarian or virtue ethics? One article I read said that a number of philosophers have argued that traditional ethical theories cannot be applied to all computer ethics issues. These ethical theories include deontological, utilitarian, and aretaic (virtue ethics) theories. I also read another article that suggested we use a hybrid approach. It recommends that high school students can easily use Kantian ethics and virtue ethics to reach an ethical decision. The students must find a solution to which both of the ethical theories apply.

