
6 年前 217次浏览 加拿大网课代写:幼儿教育已关闭评论



The role of the visual arts in early childhood education has long been recognised and valued as an essential component of the curriculum. (Eckhoff, Angela, 2011) The arts consist of variation of appreciation. The different forms art such as dancing, drawing and painting, performance art, sculpturing and many more. Art needs to be included in the school’s curriculum and encompass the knowledge of the arts education to the children. Art appreciation can be inculcate to children at young age. Knowing and understanding of the arts may also help children to express themselves in different creative art forms in which they are comfortable in.Art nurtures the child to be inventiveness as it engages the child in a process that helps in the development of self-esteem, self-discipline, cooperation, and self-motivation. Children’s self-esteem will improve as there is not right or wrong in self creative creation. In this way, children’s are able to complete task with self-discipline and longer patience in completing an art piece regardless whether it is an drawing and painting piece or a dance and music piece. Working cooperatively will also be enhanced children’s patience such as dancing together with music and other children to produce a wonderful piece of musical. Most importantly children needs to be self-motivated to have the interest in arts.At times while working with each other to produce an art piece also needs problem solving, contributing ideas and respecting each other. Each child will have to communicate in a variety ways to express their thoughts and produce the art piece they want it to be.

