
7 年前 253次浏览 加拿大文化研究论文代写:音乐的诸多好处已关闭评论

伴随着音乐给青少年带来的诸多好处,它也影响了一个人的智力和发展是如何受到影响的。“音乐能让我们变得更聪明”的问题是在加州大学欧文分校弗朗西丝·拉斯彻(Frances Rauscher)的监督下正在进行的一系列实验中探索的过程。在1993年,人们注意到,与那些仅仅安静地坐着或听着放松指示的学生相比,36名只听了10分钟莫扎特“钢琴奏鸣曲k448”的大学生在他们的空间智商得分上有了显著的增长。另一个实验是在今年晚些时候进行的,使用了79名学生和额外的测试情况,这证实了莫扎特效应毫无疑问是一个真实的现象。去年,一组研究人员进行了一项试点研究,一组三岁的儿童接受了音乐训练,不管是唱歌还是键盘课。每一个孩子的得分都显著地提高了物品的装配任务,这是Weschler学前教育的一部分,也是智力的主要尺度,可以用来衡量一个孩子的空间推理能力。结果显示,被发现在美国心理协会的年度大会上,据报道,后续实验的结果得出结论,19岁学龄前儿童的空间推理性能接受的音乐课程大大超过了18个月的类似群十五学龄前儿童,他们没有收到音乐课程(Rauscher 1)。因为它利用各种属性,音乐发展思维的灵活性。音乐训练是一种非常有效的方式,它不仅能促进概念上的创造性思维过程,而且还能有助于思维能力的融合和融合。虽然大多数的音乐能力在大脑的右半球都有表现,但当一个人变得更加熟练时,右半球所储存的能力却越来越多地出现在左边。


Along with the numerous benefits that music provides an adolescent with, it also has an impact on how a person's intelligence and development is affected. The question of "Can music make us more intelligent," is in the process of being explored in a series of ongoing experiments under the supervision of Frances Rauscher of the University of California, Irvine. In 1993, it was noted that, in contrast to students who merely sat in silence or listened to relaxation instructions, thirty six college students who listened to only ten minutes of Mozart's "Piano Sonata K.448" successively experienced a substantial growth in their spatial IQ scores. Another experiment was conducted later on this year, using seventy nine students and additional test situations, which confirmed that the Mozart Effect is without a doubt a real phenomenon. Last year, a pilot study was conducted by a group of researchers where a group of three year old children were given music training, whether it was singing or keyboard lessons. The scores of each individual child improved significantly on the Objects Assembly Task, which was a section of the Weschler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence-Revised that could measure the spatial reasoning of a child. According to the results which were found at the American Psychological Association's annual convention, it was reported that the results of a follow-up experiment which concluded that the spatial reasoning performance of nineteen preschool children who received eighteen months of music lessons greatly exceeded that of a comparable group of fifteen preschool children who did not receive music lessons (Rauscher 1). Because it draws on various attributes, music develops flexibility in thinking. Music training is a very effective way, not only to boost the conceptual-holistic-creative thinking process, but to also assist in the melding and merging of the mind's capabilities. Although most musical capabilities seem to be represented initially in the right hemisphere of the brain, as a person becomes more skilled, capabilities that were stored in the right hemisphere are located increasingly in the left.

