
8 年前 384次浏览 加拿大温莎代写论文:计算机科学教育已关闭评论

最后我们正在教我们的学生计算机科学。计算机科学是一门专业,因此它有一套行为准则。我的意思是,我们有几个专业机构,每一个都有自己的行为准则。这是ACM和IEEE-CS AITP。我们正在教我们的学生计算机科学和道德是它的一个组成部分。在课堂上我们讨论了大多数学生不会从事计算机科学的任何形式的高等教育研究。我的反驳是因为他们没有参加二级研究,并不意味着他们不会在将来发展项目。因此,我们要教导他们对他们所创造的软件进行伦理思考。看看过去的废墟当程序员和程序失败。有该地区的爆炸和五火箭在1996或给人太多的辐射Therac-25的机。计算机科学直接影响人们的生活质量,他们必须考虑到公众的健康安全和福利。它是一种职业行为规范,使行为伦理成为规范。它概述了他们自己的责任和公共代码作为一种教育工具,提供了一个讨论的焦点,因为它谈论的专业行为。我认为在你们班制定一个专业的行为准则是个好主意。这可以作为课堂管理策略。在你的课堂上你希望你的学生在道德上行动。您不希望它们从Internet复制和粘贴代码。你不希望他们互相尊重。你想按时完成作业。我可以继续下去,但总结起来,你希望你的学生专业行动。


Lastly we are teaching our students computer science. Computer science is a profession and as such it has a code of conduct. What I mean to say is that we have several professional organizations and each has its own code of conduct. There is ACM, AITP and IEEE-CS. We are teaching our students computer science and ethics is an integral part of it. In class we talked about how most students will not pursue computer science in any form of postsecondary studies. My counter argument to this is just because they are not taking post secondary studies, does not mean they won't develop programs in the future. So it is up to us to teach them to think ethically about the software they create. Just look at the ruins of the past when programmers and programs failed. There was The explosion of the area and five rocket in 1996 or the Therac-25 machine which gave people too much radiation. Computer science has direct impact on the quality of people's lives and they must take into account the health safety and welfare of the public. It is<= a professional code of conduct that makes acting ethically the norm. It outlines their responsibilities to themselves and the public code acts as an educational tool providing a focal point for discussion as it talks about professional conduct. I think it would be a good idea to make a professional code of conduct with your class. This could work as a classroom management strategy. In your class you want your students to act ethically. You do not want them to copy and paste code from the Internet. You do not want them to disrespect each other. You want assignments in on time. I could go on and on but to sum it all up you want your students to act professionally.

