
8 年前 406次浏览 加拿大西北领地论文代写:残疾学生已关闭评论

为残疾学生提供的一个好处是谁的撤军计划正在接受额外的帮助从专业的老师。通常,通识教育教师变得太不知所措时,满足残疾学生的需求除了确保他们也受到挑战。通识教育教师的感觉,而没有准备教残疾学生在他们的教室(Schumm克林格,沃恩,Cohen & Forgan,1998)。在这种情况下,如果老师觉得措手不及教残疾学生,那么它将会在学生的最佳利益(s)被放置在一个干预/撤军计划。学生(s)将接受专业老师的帮助应该感到准备教残疾学生。这对这些学生很重要,因为如果他们收到指令从一个老师感觉措手不及,学生本身将从他们的老师也感到措手不及或不受欢迎的。有些人可能会争辩说,撤军计划不是在限制最少一个学生的环境中(LRE)因为学生正在退出课堂的自然环境。根据McLeskey,兰德斯、Hoppey和威廉姆森(2011),LRE授权状态,“虽然单独的类服务允许在这样的位置被认为是有效的或更好的满足学生的需要”(p.60)。最严格的环境(LRE)授权被放在合适的位置,促进全面参与课堂;然而,如果学生没有受益于全部包容,如上所述,LRE允许单独的类服务,如撤军计划,只要学生实际上受益于服务。


One benefit for students with disabilities who are in the pullout programs is receiving extra help from a specialized teacher. Often times, general education teachers become too overwhelmed when trying to meet the needs of students with disabilities in addition to making sure they are also being challenged. General education teachers feel rather unprepared to teach students with disabilities in their classrooms (Klinger, Vaughn, Schumm, Cohen & Forgan, 1998). In this case if a teacher feels unprepared to teach students with disabilities, then it would be in the best interest of the student(s) to be placed in an intervention/pullout program. The student(s) would then receive help from a specialized teacher who should feel prepared to teach students with disabilities. This is important for these students because, if they are receiving instruction from a teacher who feels unprepared, the students themselves will feed off of their teachers and also feel unprepared or unwanted.Some may argue that pullout programs are not in a student's least restrictive environment (LRE) because the student is being pulled out of the natural setting of a classroom. According to McLeskey, Landers, Hoppey, and Williamson (2011), LRE mandate states, "although separate class services are allowed when such a placement is deemed effective or better meets a student's needs" (p.60). The Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) mandate was put in place to promote full inclusion classrooms; however, if students are not benefitting from full inclusion, as stated above, LRE allows separate class services, such as pullout programs, as long as the student is actually benefitting from the services.

