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客户流失管理或营业额是一个优先级的高管在几乎所有行业,如零售、银行和电信。是公认的智慧营销新客户收购比建立一个更昂贵的事业更广泛和更深入的与现有客户的关系。系统研究消费者行为对品牌延伸是由北美研究(阿克,凯勒,1990年)。使用extensions-using建立品牌推出新产品越来越受欢迎的作为新产品介绍杠杆(沃尔克和解决,2006)。majority-figures范围95% -所有的新产品在市场上是某种形式的扩展(碱液et al .,2001)。引入一个新产品的成本上升,竞争加剧,许多公司试图降低风险参与新产品介绍、营销作为品牌延伸的新产品,也就是说,通过建立一个知名品牌的名称。品牌延伸也利用隐藏公司最有价值的资产,它的品牌名称(陶贝尔,1981)。线扩展(版本的)新产品介绍在同一产品类别,而品牌延伸介绍了从现有的业务如一个不同的类别。健怡可乐和液体潮(De Pelsmacker et al .,2007)。公司广泛采用扩展策略,因为相信他们构建和强大的品牌定位沟通,增强意识,质量协会,提高试验的概率(陈和刘,2004)。当管理得当,不仅扩展提供了新的收入来源,但也加强品牌意义,从而帮助建立强大的品牌资产(凯勒Sood,2003)。成功扩展积极影响父母的选择品牌和其他扩展(Swaminathan,2003)。虽然受益于母品牌杠杆看起来很诱人,但是扩展的失败率高,可达84%(泰特,2001)。什么是更糟的是,市场扩展失败也可能造成致命的伤害到父品牌(Sheinin,2000)。


The management of customer churn or turnover is a top priority of executives in almost all industries such as retail, banking and telecommunications. It is accepted wisdom in marketing that new customer acquisition is a far more costly undertaking than establishing a broader and deeper relationship with existing customers. Systematic research on consumer behavior toward brand extension was initiated by a North American study (Aaker & Keller, 1990). The use of extensions-using established brand names for launching new products-is increasingly popular as leverage for new product introductions (Volcker and Sattler, 2006). The majority-figures ranging up to 95%-of all new product offerings in the market are some form of extension (Lye et al., 2001). As the cost of introducing a new product soars and competition intensifies, many firms try to decrease the risks involved in new product introduction, by marketing the new product as a brand extension, that is, by using the name of a well-known established brand. Brand extensions also leverage a firm's most valuable hidden asset, its brand name (Tauber, 1981). Line extensions are new (versions of the) products introduced within the same product category, whereas brand extensions are introduced in a different category from the existing business e.g., Diet Coke and Liquid Tide (De Pelsmacker et al., 2007). Companies widely employ extension strategies because of the belief that they build and communicate strong brand positioning, enhance awareness, quality associations, and increase the probability of trial (Chen and Liu, 2004). When managed well, extensions not only provide a new source of revenue, but also reinforce brand meaning, thereby helping to build strong brand equity (Keller and Sood, 2003). Successful extensions positively impact choice of the parent brand and other extensions (Swaminathan, 2003). Although benefiting from parent brand leverage seems very tempting, but the failure rate of extensions there is high and can amount to almost 84% (Tait, 2001). What is a worse, extension that fails in the market may cause fatal damage to the parent brand as well (Sheinin, 2000).

