
7 年前 263次浏览 加拿大牙科学essay代写:反思教学已关闭评论



In her first-year of learning English, Jane had after school classes to improve her English language, these were often very informal with few specialised activities to target grammar. Reflecting an audiolingual approach to teaching which is based on the behaviourist theory of learning, these lessons focused on oral practice, repetition, pronunciation and communication. Jane's language teacher adopted more of a communicative approach teaching, which is reflected in the way she speaks today. Communicative language teaching aims to educate the learner on communicative competency as opposed to grammatical competency (Richards, 2006). Jane vividly recalls these lessons focusing more on vocabulary and helpful phrases. While they were helpful, she found her strength in language acquisition came mostly from watching English or Asian programmes with English subtitles or reading books and newspapers. As indicated by Altenaichinger (2003), CLT has been highly favoured by teachers over the past 20 years, scholars have also agreed because of the central focus on the learner and CLT's emphasis on communicative proficiency in teaching.In the early 2000s English was not as widely spoken in Pakistan, she found it difficult to rely on her parents for assistance as they had only began learning English two years prior and had little knowledge to help. Research shows that children find it easier to learn a second language as they are still learning the mechanics of their first language, they have not yet developed the advanced elements of grammar and still use simpler syntax making the standard fluency much lower (The Telegraph, 2013). Jane took it upon herself to learn English, she explains although it was necessary for school she genuinely enjoyed reading and still does, she frequently reads books and articles to improving her lexis.

