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革命之后的几十年里发生了一连串的事件,其中没有一件能使国家接近民主,这是革命的公开目标。从革命到普法战争的岁月见证了一种或另一种形式的政治分歧,这种政治分歧没有表面上的民主,从拿破仑的崛起开始,也许是这个国家有史以来最强大的独裁者。他的失败之后是君主制的恢复;这导致了1830年的革命和路易-菲力浦的统治,直到1848年。1848年,又一次革命推翻了他的政权。最后,这预示着第二共和国时代的到来,以及变幻无常的拿破仑三世的任期,导致了另一项重要的事件——普法战争,接下来是另一个共和国,第三个共和国。(Haine,2000年,第97页)这个政权,由于一个高度重新崛起的邻居,普鲁士,(Wright,1916,pp . 2- 4)被宫廷阴谋、丑闻、战争和重新民族自豪感所压倒,而留给民主的空间和时间却很少。直到19世纪末,才发生了进口的事情,这使得民主的出现成为必要。


The decades following the Revolution saw a chain of events, none of which took the country anywhere near democracy, the avowed aim of the Revolution. The years from the Revolution to the Franco-Prussian War saw political fissures of one or another kind, which had no semblance of democracy, starting with the ascent of Napoleon, perhaps the most powerful dictator the country had ever produced. His defeat was followed by the Restoration of the monarchy; this gave rise to the Revolution of 1830, and the rule of Louis Philippe, till 1848. It took another revolution to bring down his regime, this time in 1848. Finally, this heralded the era of the Second Republic, and the tenure of the fickle Napoleon III, leading to another event of seminal importance for the nation, the Franco-Prussian war, to be followed by yet another Republic, the Third. (Haine, 2000, p. 97) This regime, too heavily weighed down by palace intrigues, scandals, wars and renewed national pride in the wake of a highly recharged and resurgent neighbour, Prussia, (Wright, 1916, pp. 2-4) was left with little room or time for democracy. Nothing of import happened in the period till the end of the 19th century to necessitate the emergence of a democracy.

