
6 年前 218次浏览 加拿大作业代写:社会资本已关闭评论



Social Capital – Social Capital is an important part of Labour’s community cohesion agenda, highlighting the shared values that can give rise to bonding within communities. Friendships in schools can develop from an early age bridging ethnic, background and religious divides, which in turn can result in parents developing a respect of people as a consequence of their children’s new found associations. Maybe more emphasis should be placed on breaking down the barriers between different fractions of society rather than activities such as school twinning.Human Capital – The acquisition of human capital will usually increase the lifetime earning capacity and employability of any individual who acquires it, and ultimately it could be argued controlling the level and distribution of income in society. In my commercial experience it is both profitable and productive to embark on both the training of young people (apprentices) and more experienced personnel, supplementing their skills ensuring they are kept in touch with modern manufacturing techniques and technologies. In addition the trainee would normally benefit from a feeling of being valued by the company and a sense of personal achievement, ensuring a greater awareness of the benefits associated with success, leading to a thirst for increased personal development.

