
6 年前 223次浏览 加拿大作业代写:校园的网络欺凌已关闭评论

网络欺凌可以随时随地发生,但它的源头是学校系统。学校开始让学生更频繁地使用手机或其他科技设备。如前所述,社交媒体可以是非常有益的,如果使用正确的方式,因为它给我们提供了一个娱乐和信息的来源。尽管如此,一些学生为了自己的个人娱乐会在社交媒体上伤害其他学生。Stewart和Fritsch(2011)认为,学校有责任保护学生的幸福。他们还提到,由于学生言论自由,校方不愿干预这些情况。然而,学校管理部门可以在整个学年实施一些策略。西蒙斯和拜纳姆(2014)认为网络欺凌从学校开始,但从家庭开始,父母和学生应该获得适当的网络欺凌指导。他们还表示,学校应该开设一个涵盖所有学生的课程,要求所有学生都参加这个课程。这将帮助学生学习如何正确使用互联网,也可以教他们网络欺凌的危害和影响。为了让学生举报这种骚扰行为,教师和其他教育专业人员必须与学生保持积极健康的关系(Simmons & Bynum, 2014)。学校应该获得的另一种关系是与执法机构的关系。西蒙斯和拜纳姆(2014)认为,警察可以进来讨论一些重要的事情,让学生和家长了解如何防止网络欺凌的最新计算机技术和资源。奥克曼、克雷默和布鲁诺(2014)表示,欺凌的数量令人震惊。Ockerman等人(2014)建议学校应该做六件事来防止网络欺凌——实施行政权力,有一个结构化的环境,执行规则,提供适当的培训,确保安全,并在系统和公众中分担责任。这可以帮助学生、教师、工作人员和社区彼此多了解一些,并向负责任的成年人报告任何网络欺凌事件。学校里总是会有霸凌行为,但只要采取一定的措施和预防措施,它就会结束。


Cyberbullying can occur anywhere and at anytime, but where it begins is in the school systems. Schools are beginning to let students use their phones or other technological devices more frequently. As mentioned earlier, social media can be very beneficial, if used in the correct way as it gives us a source of entertainment and information. Though, some students will go as far as hurting other students on social media for their own personal entertainment. According to Stewart and Fritsch (2011), it is the schools’ duty to protect the well-being of their students. They also mentioned that the administration is unwilling to intervene on these situations because of the students freedom of speech. However, there are strategies that school administrations can implement throughout the school year. Considering the bullying starts at school, but is initiated in the homes, Simmons and Bynum (2014) mentioned that parents and students should obtain proper instruction on cyberbullying. They also said that schools should provide a class which all students should be required to take that covers the issue. This would help students learn how to properly use the internet and it could also teach them the harms and effects of cyberbullying. In order for the students to report this kind of harassment, the teachers and other education professionals must secure a positive and healthy relationship with their students (Simmons & Bynum, 2014). Another relationship the schools should acquire is with the law enforcement agencies. According to Simmons and Bynum (2014), police could come in and talk about important matters to keep the students and parents updated on computer techniques and resources on how to prevent cyberbullying. Ockerman, Kramer, and Bruno (2014) said the amount of bullying going on is shocking. Ockerman et al. (2014) suggests that there are six things schools should do to prevent cyberbullying— implement administrative power, have a structured environment, enforce rules, provide proper training, ensure safety, and share a responsibility within the system and public. This can help the students, teachers, staff, and the community get to know a little more about each other and to feel comfortable reporting any instances of cyber bullying to a responsible adult. There is always going to be bullying in schools, but with certain steps and precautions, it can come to an end.

