Literature Review 代写 A Study On Cloud Computing Interview

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Cloud computing is the term used to describe the new technology that offers enhanced velocity though which applications are redistributed to meet the different needs in the virtual world and this technology also comes with broaden horizon of innovation and reduced costs. Hence, renders eminent business opportunities. Nevertheless, one can consider cloud computing as a platform, which enables it to assist every aspect of computing that redefines the technology with the virtualization of the software that runs in a virtual space known as cloud, which compiles and synchronizes the application in minimum period. Moreover, one can easily constitute and use applications in addition to storage, network and server. In the paper we will conclude how cloud computing has effect the business and our society.

However, broadband access in UK has more consumption and relatively high coverage but various other countries have taken numerous initiatives to design next generation infrastructure in order to avail better access. In 1999, consumers were first introduced to the broadband in UK over both access networks. Initially, the UK was not able to catch up with the developed countries in regards to coverage and consumption. When BT offered a variety of schemes to survive the competition and raised demand, more than 99% of BT's customers had bills for broadband. UK stands on 11th place out of the 30 Organizations for Economic Cooperation and Development countries in broadband access, with its more than half of the households as proud BT customers.


Cloud computing uses large amounts of computer hardware as a single pool of computing resources rather than as many individual computers and can be easily accessed from anywhere. The user does not have to know or care where the hardware is located or what capacity it has. Need more storage space? Another slave db server for your website? They can be created in the cloud without you having to install a completely new server, run cables, etc. When you no longer need that extra capacity, turn it off and forget it ever existed. It typically involves the provision of dynamically scalable and often virtualized resources as a service over the Internet(Gruman,2008). In a cloud computing system, there's a significant workload shift. Local computers no longer have to do all the heavy lifting when it comes to running applications. The network of computers that make up the cloud handles them instead. Hardware and software demands on the user's side decrease. The only thing the user's computer needs to be able to run is the cloud computing systeminterface software, which can be as simple as a Web browser, and the cloud's network takes care of the rest.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a modal, which allocates data and executes computations across a complex interconnections of nodes. End user computers, data centers, and Web Services can be considered as such nodes. The network, which interconnects through nodes, is known as s a cloud. The term that refers to an application based on such clouds, is cloud application (Mei, Chan, Tse 2008). Cloud is an allegory term for internet. The significant motive is to avail the advantage of the existing infrastructure by compiling all possible services to one common platform so that the access to those services can be irrespective of location and time. Cloud computing seems to be an affirmative answer to all needs of a user or the organization with decreased cost and increased velocity with more accuracy. For an example, a cloud provider can provide you with OS, Apache, a MySQL™ database, etc with the compatibility to assess and respond automatically to fluctuating workload. Cloud computing is an efficient way to store and preserve data while using a service ranging from tax preparation to email. Nevertheless, it can act like a reservoir to store business, and personal data and enjoy web integrated services photos, maps, and GPS information (). Moreover, it is like creation of Google spreadsheet on Google Docs service. The critical factors of the software abide on some unseen computers that share the data with many users regardless of places.

Impact of cloud computing on business

Numerous users are switching to cloud computing and leaving Shrink-wrap software in order to meet there sophisticated requirements. However, locally installed programs are still in competition, but the main aim behind the conception of cloud computing seems to be acclaiming new heights. Some ample part of computing is moving away from the desktop and the corporate server room. As people move to cloud computing the change will influence all levels from casual user to software developer, hardware manufacturer, even IT manager. Recently, a number of people are talking about cloud computing in their marketing materials. Many giants have stepped in to this field including Merrill Lynch is looking forward to a $160- billion huge market opportunity, which includes $95- billion productivity and in business applications, and another $65-billion in online advertising for Cloud Computing (Buyya, Yeo, Venugopa 2008) The emergence of clouds has already caused an impact in the IT industry. Many enterprises are deciding to make use of virtual datacenters to facilitate infrastructure managing and sparing the need of hardware maintenance. This type of cyber infrastructure reduces the complexity involved in deployment of services, at the cost of losing flexibility with a narrower interface, a cost that many users may be willing to pay to deploy applications in a distributed environment. Leader IT companies are already building their own clouds. Starting and small size enterprises are also becoming users of cloud services as if Sales force (ERP and accounting systems), Google Apps [, QuickBooks Online instead of using local software. Nevertheless, the question remains about big and middle size non-IT enterprises (Schwartz). Where the information privacy is the most important issue and they have already spent lots of money for their local systems

Impact of cloud computing on Society

Cloud technology is a pay as u go service so the client only pays as per his usage and requirements. It can be a very generous and a cost effective way of surfing. People can experience the next level of internet usage by storing more data as compared to a personal computer or a server. The software acquires automatic updates, as the cloud provider would be liable for that so the automatic updating of the software makes cloud computing a user-friendly platform. It also offers the mobility to users as they can access the data from anywhere so that reduces the time and efforts. In addition to all the above-mentioned advantages that make it user-friendly but there are some major drawbacks with the security being the top most concern. Moreover, the other major reason behind avoiding the use of web applications to do the computing is that the user loses control. It's just as worst as using a proprietary program (Ricciuti).

Future Prospects for UK Broadband and Next Generation Access

Present generation broadband has been one of the fore most significant enhancements in the telecommunications industry until date as the customers of UK avails the advantage of higher bandwidth services. Broadband services have seen a rapid adoption that resulted in to crashing the take-up of various previous technologies, with now more than 50% of households enjoying access to internet broadband services. At the same time, there is enough evidence that current generation broadband services are contributing to both social and economic welfare. Deployment of the next generation access network may serve people with further scope for development, innovation and monitory profit. They will be enabled in such a way that they would support faster access in comparison to current generation broadband services and could play a distinctive role in the development of new products and services, which may further raise the competitiveness and productivity in the UK broadband sector. These prospects can be directly held responsible for that they have made next generation access developments a topic of increasing debate in the past 12 months. However, at the same time, next generation access represents a significant effect in regards to the change in to the way telecoms services are delivered to end customers, coming up with new challenges for everyone in the telecommunications sector, which also includes regulators. The current access network owners will require considerable investment in terms of infrastructures, while next generation access network deployments renders the prospect of really high end customer bandwidths. These networks may result in changes to the wholesale products and services for competitors and new entrants that can be purchased by them. For service and application providers, these networks may result in a change to the way customers consume services or the business models adopted for service delivery. In addition, for consumers and businesses, these networks may offer access to a range of new and innovative services at new pricing points.

Impact of Future Prospects for UK Broadband and Next Generation Access on business

As of now, the UK is in a pre-investment stage in context to deploy next generation access. Nevertheless, both the costs and the benefits of next generation access are uncertain, though the costs of deployment will be many times higher than present broadband network. Many organizations are considering the best ways to adhere the developments in broadband sector, and the commercial case for significant investment in next generation access technologies. We believe that next generation access networks have the affirmative potential to lead a very important role in the future of UK telecom sector. When deployed, they will shape the telecoms market and its implications for consumers and the economy for many years to come. Therefore, we need to ensure that conditions are in place so that when the time is right, we see the right level of investment in the right types of networks. Competition is one of the single most effective drivers of investment in new technologies and services as outlined in a recent analysis based on a survey from ECTA: countries with the most competitive telecoms industries delivered the highest level of net investment (ectaportal). For next generation access, this competition may come from existing market players, including LLU operators, cable or wireless network providers. In this context, cable is a key driver of new investment by incumbent telcos to upgrade to higher access speeds, as witnessed in the US and Netherlands.

Impact of Future Prospects for UK Broadband and Next Generation Access on Society

Some people raised an argument that it is too early to opt for any kind of a decision on whether to invest or not, while others admit that next generation access is significantly necessary and that the UK cannot afford to fall further behind in comparison to other developing countries. The next generation access will lead to a whole new experience in reference to browsing as the consumers would be able to surf on a high bandwidth which will make the work easy in terms of people would be able to get the information in few moments. Moreover, the next generation access is all set to achieve new milestones once deployed.


  1. Cloud computing is an emerging computing platform that is growing very popular among people. Leaders in the industry, such as Microsoft, IBM and Google, have come up with their initiatives in order to promote cloud computing. However, the public is still not sure research issues in cloud computing are still adequate or not. Providers were not being able to focus on the needs of the scientific computing community. Big IT companies are also building their own version of cloud. Still there are many questions have left without an answer and indeed the most important one is security in addition to transition expenditure to switch to cloud computing . One of the other aspects of the cloud, which is left, is the social aspect of it. The Cloud is going to happen but which services should be offered on the cloud and for whom. What happens if smaller IT companies start to offer their services on the cloud and no one uses them? I believe that everything eventually can move to the Cloud. The question is if users are ready for that and if it has the right move and this need must be addressed.
  2. Next generation access network investments are one of the largest changes to the communications sector, raising the potential for wide reaching implications for consumers, citizens and the economy. The communications networks that are deployed following these upgrades offer the potential to support a range of new applications and services that can be used for the benefit of both consumers and citizens. They may also support new applications and business processes that could result in significant benefits to the UK economy. As a result, the timely and efficient deployment of next generation access networks may be of fundamental

    Importance. The next generation access is an affirmative decision in terms of broadband access and takes up in the UK, and will broaden the aspects of knowledge with in the UK. Hence we can conclude that it is necessary to get next generation Access in order to


Gruman, Galen (2008-04-07)."What cloud computing really means".InfoWorld. Retrieved 2009-06-02.

Mei Lijun, Chan W.K., Tse T.H., (2008) "A Tale of Clouds: Paradigm Comparisons and Some Thoughts on Research Issues", To appear in Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference(APSCC2008), IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA

Ricciuti, Mike "Stallman: Cloud computing is 'stupidity'",

Schwartz Mathew, "Running Your Business In The Cloud",;jsessionid=21DDR5RZ44AGGQSNDLPCKHSCJUNN2JVN?articleID=210604071&pgno=1

Buyya R., Yeo C. S., and Venugopa S.( 2008.) "Marketoriented cloud computing: Vision, hype, and reality for delivering it services as computing utilities" In Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC-08, IEEE CS Press, Los Alamitos,CA, USA) 2008.

