Marketing Essay 代写:顾客满意度与白金汉福特

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Marketing Essay 代写:顾客满意度与白金汉福特




Marketing Essay 代写:顾客满意度与白金汉福特

This chapter present an overview of the whole research. It looks at the background to the study, research questions and objectives, justification of the study, scope of the study and organisation of the study. It also covers the background of the company and a brief industry analysis.

The automobile industry has become more competitive over the last few years, especially in the midst of the global economic crisis with declining sales and dwindling margins. It has been estimated the over the next five year and beyond, new car will require less servicing than before due to technological advancement (SMMT Report, 2010; AIGT Report, 2002). What this means that the casual relationship between dealers and customers will no longer ensure profitability in the eye of competition. Dealership have got the develop strategies to keep the few customers who do come for servicing every now and then. A good way to achieve this is for dealers and garages to develop comprehensive list of what aspect of the automobile servicing that are most important to customers and to deliver them on a consistent basis to achieve customer satisfaction and influence loyalty. This is especially important in an industry where customer satisfaction with servicing may influence their decision to purchase their next car with the same dealer, as their income and status increase.

Over the last three decades, service quality has gained the attention of business managers, researcher and practitioners because of its impact on improving business performance, lowering costs, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and business profitability (Seth and Deshmukh, 2005). The competitive nature of the automobile servicing industry (with so many alternatives) has made it imperative for dealerships and businesses alike to measure and evaluate the service quality delivery to customers (Brown and Bitner, 2007). This will help managers to identify quality problems and help instigate quality improvement programs to enhance customer satisfaction, and overall business performance (Seth and Deshmukh, 2005). According to Huber and Bauer (2009) excellent services are the main differentiation factor in markets with technically and functionally homogeneous products. This is especially true in automobile servicing industry with so many dealer and garages offering very similar services. Hung et al. (2003) asserted that, the provision of excellent quality service and customer satisfaction are the most important challenges facing businesses of today.

