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填补公文的必要性不可小觑,既要具备办学特色的存有,也最能体现出申报人的个人特点和与院校的匹配度,哪些的公文才可以提升而不是消弱你的申请办理呢?先以取得成功申请办理到塔夫茨大学的Ryan Sheehan填补公文为例子,他申请办理的电子信息科学。


“Let your life speak.”

Describe the environment in which you were raised–your family,home,neighborhood,or community–and how it influenced the person you are today.

As the son of two journalists,I have grown up under a lifelong inquisition:How is your room such a mess?Can you please stop chasing the cat?Will you come down from the tree already?Granted,those are all from this past year,but the point still stands.

Like any good journalists,my parents have also always had a propensity for uncovering the truth.On the third night that I had my license,I decided to go to the library to study.

Before 15 minutes had passed,I noticed the librarian peering at me through the shelves before quickly averting her eyes and whispering,“He’s here,”into her phone.Even so,regardless of how many spies they’ve hired over the years,I have always looked up to my parents immensely.

However,I have found my inherited inquisitiveness to be a trait most useful in a place far from the realm of reporting:the robotics lab.After four years of spending almost more time in the lab than at home,I have learned that nothing is more important than asking the right questions.

As a programmer,I need to be able to communicate with my builders.Come press time,if I don’t interview them properly,our robot will invariably end up as a hunk of unresponsive aluminum.To make a machine,the team must work as one.So although I may be writing source code instead of a breaking story,I am glad I had such nosy parents after all.

塔夫茨大学招收负责人Karen Richardson表明,这篇公文非常好。



1.Answer the question


2.Start with an outline


3.Offer something new


4.Narrow your focus.




