
8年前 230次浏览 英国研究生毕业论文:在关系到被提的时间已关闭评论 , ,



在这特定的任务,我将评估预tribulational,中tribulational和后tribulational狂喜观点的教堂,Pauls eschatological的观点是与教会的独特关系的神吗?



同时,两个词用来描述基督再来,Epiphaneia指耶稣基督的出现或存在给光或变得可见(提前6:14),“基督再临,这意味着当下的存在,个人的未来,一个国王统治地球复诊。{ MT 24:3 }。狂喜被定义为空气中的基督以基督圣徒瞬间消失的样子,接受一个荣耀的身体。狂喜是基督回归的第一阶段,包括每一个信徒在当时活着。信徒死在基督将复活;我们中的一些人仍然活着,并保存将赶上基督之前,丹尼尔的第七十周开始。应该说,圣经没有明确分开设置或显示教会的狂喜的具体时间。然而,从各个学校所表达的观点,我们可以推断出这一时期。


The first school of thought- Post-millennialist asserts that there would be a period of perfect peace, a millennium, before Christ would come. The Amillennialist claims and objected to any literal earthly millennium while the Pre-millennialist asserts that since the prophecy of his first coming was interpreted literally and it came to pass, his second coming should be accepted literally too. The Pre-millennialist amongst them disagree on the timing of the rapture. The first group asserts that rapture is post millennium, the second asserts that rapture is mid-millenium and the third the Pre-Millennium Rapture group.

Under this given assignment, I am expected to evaluate the pre-tribulational, mid-tribulational and post-tribulational rapture views of the church, what Pauls eschatological view is about Gods unique relationship with the church?

The Thessalonians were comforted by the Apostle for the death of their loved ones who died in Christ. He exhorted them not to weep excessively as those who has no hope like the unbelievers. That the hope believers have is more than enough to balance all griefs. This is due to ignorance concerning those who are dead. He explained they sleep in Jesus, retired out of this world to rest from all their sorrows. They are not lost, nor losers, but great gainers by death and are removed out of this wicked world to dwell with Jesus.

The resurrection doctrine and the second coming of Christ is a glorious antidote against the fear of death and inordinate sorrow for those believers who died; and in this doctrine there is full assurance for us as because we believed that Christ died and rose again.

Meanwhile, two words used to describe the second coming of Christ are, Epiphaneia which simply means the appearance or presence of Christ to give light or become visible (1Tim 6:14), "Parousia, which means the immediate presence, personal coming, subsequent visit of a king to rule the earth.{Mt 24:3}. Rapture is therefore defined as the appearance of Christ in the air to take the saints of Christ away instantaneously, receiving a glorious body. The Rapture is the first phase of Christ return, which includes every believer alive at that time. Believers who died in Christ will be resurrected; those of us who remain alive and saved will be caught up with Christ before the commencing of Daniel's seventieth week. It should be stated that scripture does not expressly set apart or indicate specific time for the rapture of the church. However, from the views expressed by the various schools, we can infer the period.


