加拿大护理作业代写 卫生保健领域

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在卫生保健领域有一个问题需要得到解决和密切关注,以纠正这种情况。有很多病人不能像他们应该的那样活动。病人也不总是像他们应该的那样经常复位。当病人以同样的姿势躺着或坐着太久,会对被压缩的组织造成压力。没有重新定位所带来的压力会导致该部位的氧气和营养成分减少。这些细胞将不能正确地清除这些细胞中的废物,从而导致细胞受损。如果病人因先前存在的压疮而入院,至关重要的是对病人进行重新定位,以促进血液流向这些组织,并从组织中清除废物。如果不这样做,压疮会变得更糟。这是很重要的,因为有些病人不能自己移动,需要其他人确保他们重新定位,以防止这个问题。医院获得性压疮的发展已表明,患者出院一个月后再次入院与此有关(Guzman, J. L., McClanahan, R., & Vaughn, S.(2018)。压疮在长期医疗机构中越来越多。每个医疗保健专业人员都需要牢记压力溃疡。医院死亡率和出院后一个月的患者也存在相关性(Guzman, J. L., McClanahan, R., & Vaughn, S.(2018)。压疮的代价可能是200美元或10万美元,取决于它的严重程度(Guzman, J. L., McClanahan, R., & Vaughn, S.(2018)。使用Hill Rom国际压疮流行率调查发现,许多患者在入院时甚至在发生压疮后都有较低的Braden评分(Guzman, J. L., McClanahan, R., & Vaughn, S.(2018)。调查还发现,配备气垫的设施没有正确使用气垫。皮肤护理和营养在压疮的形成中也起着重要作用。

加拿大护理作业代写 卫生保健领域

There is an issue in the health care field that needs to be addressed and looked at closely to remedy the situation. There are many patients that are not able to move around like they should. Patients do not always reposition themselves as often as they should either. When a patient is lying or sitting in the same position for too long this puts pressure on the tissues that are being compressed. The pressure from not repositioning results in less oxygen and nutrients to that part of the body. The cells will not be able to properly get rid of the waste from those cells and this results in damaged cells. If a patient is admitted with a pre-existing pressure ulcer, it is vital that the patient is repositioned to promote blood flow to those tissues and the removal of wastes from the tissue. If this is not done the pressure ulcer will get worse. This is important because some patients are not able to move themselves and need others to make sure they are repositioned to prevent this issue.Hospital-acquired development of pressure ulcers has shown that there is a correlation with patients coming back to the hospital a month after discharge (Guzman, J. L., McClanahan, R., & Vaughn, S. (2018). Pressure ulcers are showing up more in long term facilities. Pressure ulcers need to be in the mind of every healthcare professional. There is also a correlation in hospital mortality rates and in patients a month after discharge (Guzman, J. L., McClanahan, R., & Vaughn, S. (2018). Pressure ulcers can cost two hundred dollars or one hundred thousand depending on how bad it is (Guzman, J. L., McClanahan, R., & Vaughn, S. (2018). A Hill Rom International Pressure Ulcer Prevalence survey was used and found that many patients had a low Braden Scale Score on admission and even after they developed pressure ulcers (Guzman, J. L., McClanahan, R., & Vaughn, S. (2018). The survey also found that facilities with air mattresses were not using them properly. Skin care and nutrition play a big role in the development of pressure ulcers as well.

