Philosophy Assignment 代写:工作的多样性

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Philosophy Assignment 代写:工作的多样性






Philosophy Assignment 代写:工作的多样性

As asserts it S. Point, " we do not always know how to seize it and we are not conscious of the multiple dimensions to which the term can send back " (Point S., edited in 2007). Indeed, the emergence of this notion in the company, as well as the considerations that it recovers is recent, even in phase of construction. In its most wide definition, it sends back to the presence of individual differences between the members of one social entity (Thomas, 1991 quoted by Cornet, Point S., on 2007).

But this definition remains indistinct and relatively vague and, since it is necessary to define the type of concerned differences, the positions vary. In its most extensive version, the diversity sends back to everything typify of characteristics, of the most visible (ethnic group, sex, handicap, age) in the least perceptible (personality, membership politics, values, faiths, behavior, Sexual orientation, career, social origin, etc.)

The criteria selected by the actors can fluctuate in a very important way according to the situations. Prasad speaks about «fluid identities» to consider the variation of the importance granted to some or such specificities according to the organizational contexts, but also cultural and national (Prasad, 2006, quoted by Cornet). So, to seize the granted importance done to a particularity, it is necessary to replace it in the social history of the country, and in the business sector or the company which structures the standard. This is illustrated in a more concrete way by an interview on internet of one manager of Hewlett Packard who explains us that general framework of the " plan diversity " is defined at the level corporate with objectives and target populations (proper to HP) but declined in various levels, to begin at the level of the country according to legal requirements (handicapped persons' quotas in French companies, the quotas of ethnical minorities in the United States or in Canada, etc.). Then at the level of every units:

" According to sectors (software, printers, etc.), there are different problems. According to their geographical presences, to their populations and to their objectives, they will define what misses them. What is missing in the business of printers will not be necessarily what will be missing in the business of PC or the software ". After all, the defined characteristics can vary completely, between each company, each country, and each sector; so that what targets the diversity becomes completely opaque there.

However in a more restrictive but more classic vision, the target characteristics can limit themselves to the sex, to the age, to the ethnic group and to the handicap. For reasons of methodological opportunities, we shall choose to concentrate on these particularities; these criteria being most frequently retained by companies and also being more easily tangible.


