
8年前 240次浏览 JAVA编程代写:对依恋理论的观点已关闭评论


依恋是一种情感的纽带,是另一个人的情感纽带。心理学家约翰·鲍比是第一个依恋理论家,描述四个特点发展孩子之间的附件观察六个月至2岁。Bowlby认为,债券的形成是由于这些观察到的特征持续一生,成为一种用于后续关系的发展蓝图。Mary Ainsworth,初步进行了研究与儿童依恋理论,后来她自己。她扩大了理论,包括三种风格的附件(四分之一被添加后)。通过对婴儿的需求作出反应,一个照顾者(通常是母亲)建立了一种对婴儿的安全感。一旦婴儿建立这种安全感,它开发了一个安全的基础,探索世界。


依恋理论是由约翰·鲍比和Mary Ainsworth共同和个别研究的结果(Ainsworth,2009)。图纸上的概念从精神分析学家、心理学家、心理学,和其他人,Bowlby制定的基本理论。他介绍了一种革命性的思维方式,即母亲和孩子的关系如何,以及这种纽带破裂的影响。Mary Ainsworth的方法论与她的“陌生情境”的实验可以测试bowlbys思想最终扩展理论本身(Bretherton,一:1992)。Bowlby认为,最早的债券由儿童与他们的照顾者形成产生巨大的影响,持续一生(樱桃、K.”)。


Attachment is an emotional bond to another person. Psychologist John Bowlby was the first attachment theorist, describing four characteristics of attachment observed in developing children between the ages of six months and two years old. Bowlby believed that the bonds formed as a result of these observed characteristics continued throughout life, becoming a blueprint used in the development of subsequent relationships. Mary Ainsworth, initially conducted research into attachment theory with Bowlby, and later on her own. She expanded the theory to include three styles of attachment (with a fourth being added later). By being responsive to an infant's needs, a caregiver (usually the mother) establishes a sense of security for the infant. Once the infant establishes this feeling of security, it develops a secure base to explore the world.

The definition of attachment, according to Merriam-Webster is "the state of being personally attached: fidelity, affectionate regard" (Attachment-Definition from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary). The basic idea of attachment theory is that if a caregiver (usually the caregiver) is attentive and dependable, then that caregivers child will be secure in their environment and will use the security of this relationship with the caregiver as a base from which to explore their world. Once a child has established this primary relationship, it uses it as a template for other relationships.

Attachment theory is the result of joint and individual research by John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth (Ainsworth, 2009). Drawing on concepts from psychoanalysts, developmental psychologists, psychology, and others, Bowlby formulated the basic theory. He introduced a revolutionary way of thinking about how a mother and child bond, and the repercussions of the disruption of that bond. Mary Ainsworth's methodology with her "strange situation" experiments made it possible to test Bowlbys ideas and ultimately expanded the theory itself (Bretherton, I. 1992). Bowlby believed that the earliest bonds formed by children with their caregivers have a tremendous impact that continues throughout life (Cherry, K. n.d.).

