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新加坡旅游局(STB)统计报告称,新加坡的旅游人数在2011已达到与26亿酒店收入1320万创历史新高纪录,超过75为来自亚太地区的游客人数分,尤其是印度尼西亚。这个数字超过了12和1300万之间的官方预测,从2010增长了13个百分点(xinmsn新闻,2012)。平均酒店入住率上升9个百分点,至85的2010,占酒店总房数的47000以上。2011是一个了不起的一年,但2012的经济可能是不确定的,在全球经济环境和酒店业可能会受到影响和削弱,由于欧元区危机(你的新加坡。新加坡旅游局年度报告,2010 / 2011)。

尽管经济的不确定性,新加坡仍然是在该地区的旅客,亚洲最受欢迎的游乐场之一,因为强烈的积极的经济增长,美国/欧洲旅游市场有限的曝光。该国拥有世界级的设施,有一个激励性的旅行,会议,会议和展览(鼠标)的需求。这在很大程度上是由两个综合度假胜地-度假胜地世界新加坡和滨海湾金沙。主要景点游客量增长进一步支持的Equarius湾有花园、水上乐园、2013海洋生物园和新的国际邮轮和河Safari(Robert Mcintosh,2012)


The hotel industry, a trillion dollar service sector of the global economy underwent tremendous changes and growth over the years. A significant number of hotels were setup worldwide to manage the tourism boom and increasing travelers' demands. The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) shows a record of 467 million passengers traveling in the first half of 2012 and predicted that the international tourism could possibly reach one billion tourists by the end of 2012 (AFP Relax News, 2012).

The surge in the visitor arrivals had led to a surge in demand and vitality and opportunities in the hotel industry; which precipitated the need for hotels' equipment and services. Businesses dealing with hotel equipments and supplies are heavily dependent on the performance of the hospitality industry. With this in view, it is vital to gain insight of the performance of the hotel industry.

Singapore Tourism Board (STB) statistics reported that Singapore's tourist arrivals in 2011 had reached an all-time high record of 13.2 million with hotel revenue of 2.6 billion, with more than 75 per cent of the visitor arrivals from the Asia-Pacific region, especially Indonesia. This figure surpasses an official forecast of between 12 and 13 million, with a rise of 13 per cent from 2010 (XINMSN News, 2012). The average hotel occupancy rate increased by 9 percentage points to 85 per cent in 2010 with total hotel rooms standing at more than 47,000. 2011 had been a remarkable year but 2012's economy may be uncertain in the global economic environment and the hospitality sector may be impacted and weakened due to the Euro zone crisis (Your Singapore. Singapore Tourism Board Annual report, 2010/2011).

Despite economic uncertainty, Singapore still remains as one of Asia's favourite playgrounds for travellers in the region because of the strong and positive economic growth and the limited exposure to the US/Europe tourist markets. The country possessed world class facilities and there is a demand for incentive travel, conferences, conventions and exhibitions (MICE). This is largely driven by the two integrated resorts- Resort World Singapore and Marina Bay Sands. Major attractions further support the growth in visitor arrivals by having Gardens by the Bay, Equarius Water Park, Marine Life Park and new international Cruise and River Safari in 2013 (Robert Mcintosh, 2012)


