
8 年前 420次浏览 澳洲论文代写:运动对心率的影响已关闭评论

总的来说,运动后心率高于静止心率是一个可以看到从上面的图表。然而,上面的图有2异常值200 BPM一定是由于一个错误的机器,因为它不可能快速的心率增加。均值也显示了这个96 BPM的意思是静止的,但运动后心率意味着是151 BPM。试验结果良好的回收率为3.1。这是发现减去最大运动后167 BPM然后减去它的最小运动后136 BPM。有几个因素在影响我的生活方式,这其中包括我的饮食和锻炼。我在健身房锻炼适度,但总的来说我做更多的练习,包括解除不有氧运动。我不玩任何运动,也可能影响回收率。我说我健康,喝大量的水和总体我认为自己的身体状况很好,但我也不是很强壮。我不紧张,偶尔喝咖啡,但是没有一天或者一周的实验室。这些因素都可能导致一个好的回收率为3.1。


Overall, the heart rate after exercise was well above the heart rate at rest as one can see from the graph above. However, the graph above does have 2 outliers of 200 BPM which must have been due to an error in the machine because it would not be possible for the heart rate to increase that rapidly for no reason. The mean also shows this as the mean at rest was 96 BPM , but after exercising the heart rate mean was 151 BPM. The trials resulted in a good recovery rate of 3.1. This was found by subtracting the max after exercising which was 167 BPM and then subtracting it by the min after exercise which was 136 BPM. There are several factors in my lifestyle that may have affected this including my diet and exercise. I exercise moderately at the gym, but overall I do more exercises that include lifting which are not cardio exercises. I do not play any sports which may also have affected the recovery rate. I say I healthy and drink a lot of water and overall I would consider myself in good shape, but I also am not very muscular. I was in no way nervous and drink caffeine on occasion, but did not the day or week of the lab. These factors all may have contributed to a good recovery rate of 3.1.

