
8 年前 310次浏览 北不列颠哥伦比亚大学作业代写:Emirates的分析已关闭评论









The emirates group is one of the leading airline groups of Middle East. It is the national airline of Dubai, normally over 2,400 passengers travel in Emirates airline per week it operates from its destination Dubai to all over the world approximately 108 destination 60 countries of the world in 6 continents. It is operate from the terminal 3 of Dubai international airport. Emirates also know as its big carrying facilities provider, cargos, it is also diversified in hotels, eco-tourism, holidays and IT business. In the present era Emirates is a strengthen brand and emirates has won numerous awards on his quality service and on board service. Emirates also operate some long journey flights as well from Dubai to Los Angeles and San Francisco and Huston. Emirates wholly owned by the Government of Dubai and it works under the Investment Corporation of Dubai and the cargo services of emirates of group deals by the emirates cargo division.

In 1980s the Gulf Air decided to cut back its service to Dubai. After this decision the emirates formed in 1985 with the financial investment of Dubai's royal family and the Dubai's Royal air wind gave the first plane to fly. It is formed with the initial investment of $10 million. With the passage of time the air line expanded its destinations. In August 2008 Emirates designed new uniform for its 16,000 staff. Before Oct-2008 the emirates was running all its flight with other lines but in oct-2008 they got exclusive terminal on Dubai International Airport with the name of terminal 3 and this terminal was full dedicated to Emirates airline. Terminal 3 exclusively built for Emirates airline with cost of $4.5 billion. By floor space the terminal 3 is the largest space in the world. Airline is operating with the mixed of Airbuses and Boeings and emirates in one of nine who operates wide body aircrafts. Emirates comes in the top 10 airlines in terms of revenue and passengers and leading profit making airline in Middle East in term of revenue. Emirates is the 6th biggest airline to carry passengers worldwide and it is the 7th airline to carry schedule freight tonne-kilometre flown. Emirates have built its great brand name. In June-8-2010 air show in Berlin the Emirates group ordered a 32 A380 air buss worth of $11.5 billion, it is the biggest order of this year for any passenger aircraft.

Emirates group which has over 50,000 employees all over the world approximately from 120 countries and 7% of the whole staff is comprise on managerial staff. The organisation does worldwide recruitment, performance management, human resource development (HRD) practice which is helpful for the workforce environment. Every job is specified with some essential characteristics and competencies those competencies are used for selection, appraisal and development. Further, company deploy all current tools for the running business environment. Organisation uses all these tools for performance management and for the development of effective business plan.

The Emirates Group draws on both internal and external labour markets for employees, which is typical both of companies in a growth phase (Kochan and Barocchi, cited in Legge, 1995) and organisations in the region (PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2000). Therefore, although HR policy is to advertise all jobs internally, the organisation reserves the right to recruit externally if deemed necessary. Given the speed at which the airline has grown (doubled in size since 2002) it makes sound business sense to select 'ready made' employees. The labour market conditions in the region further encourage this strategy. Because the company recruits from overseas, and both its reputation as well as the standard of living in the region make it attractive to work for, there is no shortage of skilled staff.

The policy for staff already employed is therefore geared more towards retention than advancement and the company makes no promises, formal or otherwise, for career progression. The only exception is for United Arab Emirates (UAE) nationals, where, as a semi-government organisation, the Emirates Group operates on a principle to serve the region and community of Dubai and therefore has a duty to progress the local community.

However, in 2002 the Leadership Development (LD) function was formed to facilitate the education, training and development of leaders, managers and supervisors across the Group, irrespective of nationality.


