Philosophy Essay 代写: 未来的运输

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Philosophy Essay 代写:  未来的运输


第一个变化开始针对最常见的和重要的旅游方式已经发生:汽车。汽车技术已经先进到如此地步,一些与三维地图包括实际的图片来帮助你达到你的吻的要求。也有安装在汽车摄像头让我们看到什么是直接在我们身后让我们睡意的警告标志,我们驾驶一辆车,或者如果我们不看路的两边我们平行的车从路径到另一个。Â也可控制技术在速度根据自身的交通状况、天气、以及一系列其他的娱乐设备。也有一种技术从一个地方航行到另一个声音,让我们在道路上识别。这Karl Brauer说,汽车网站Edmunds.com的邮件编辑器,跟踪的快速发展,在汽车的世界上发生,今天有系统的导航将允许你打印起始点的名称和接入点所需的则是让你通过图像和声音来吻你的命令,但它仍然是必须的开车。他补充说,这将改变最终,“会发生什么,我是我会去我的车,我会设置我的手,并以复杂的市场,例如,将推出汽车在预先编程的路线。

Philosophy Essay 代写:  未来的运输

Imagine that you wake up the morning and drink a cup of coffee and then enter your car and leave them free rein to take you to the headquarters of your business. Or imagine that you go on family leave, and you drive your car to the path of self-driving cars on the highway, and you press a button and then manages the throne, the direction of the other passengers and start playing cards or watching a movie with l And maybe your sweetie go to the city of Detroit, but it left you have enough leave to cut the trip from Dubai to Detroit. There is a technology jet will be able to take you across half the globe in about two hours so you can spend the weekend with this person dear to Qbaksahih that the technology is still far from enabling us to enter the machine-like trailer phone and move in a jiffy to another place across the other side of our world, most scientists agree that such a dream is not achievable. But we will see in our revolution in the travel allow us access to all parts of the globe, and beyond the globe.

The first changes started to occur already in regard to the most common and essential means of travel: the car.Car technology has become advanced to the point that some with three-dimensional maps include actual pictures to help you reach your kiss desired.There are also cameras installed on the cars allow us to see what is directly behind us and made us the warning signs of drowsiness, we drive a car or if we do not see the car parallel to us on both sides of the road as we move from the path to another. Also available control technology in speed according to the self-traffic conditions or weather, and a range of other entertainment devices. There is also a technology to sail from one place to another voice-and allow us to identify on the road. This says Karl Brauer, editor of mail, which tracks the rapid developments taking place in the automotive world, that today there are systems for navigation will allow you to print the name of the starting point and the access point desired then is take you through the images and voice commands to your kiss, but it remains to beYou must drive the car. He adds that this will change eventually, "What will happen is that I am I will go to my car and I will set my hand and, to the complex markets, for example, will launch the car in the pre-programmed routes.


