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作为世界上第二大汽车公司,福特汽车公司代表了一个1640亿美元的跨国商业帝国。福特汽车公司作为一家汽车制造商,它还经营着福特信贷,它产生超过30亿美元的收入,并拥有赫兹公司,是世界上最大的汽车租赁公司。该公司生产的汽车的名字,福特、Lincoln、水星、捷豹、沃尔沃、路虎、Aston Martin。福特也保持对马自达汽车公司的控制感兴趣。福特的财务稳定性,动摇了新千年的早期,由于销售放缓,质量问题和丑闻凡世通轮胎。



在底特律的一个小棚子的独立,Henry Ford开发了二四缸,80马力的赛车,称为999和箭头。这些汽车赢得了几场比赛,并帮助创造了一个新的市场,福特汽车。随着28000美元的资本从朋友和邻居Henry Ford提出,建立在june16新开店,1903。在这个设施,改装车厂在麦克大道在底特律,福特汽车公司开始生产一二缸,八马力的设计称为模型A公司生产的这1708个模型在运营的第一年。改装车厂的设施,在麦克大道在底特律,福特汽车公司开始生产一二缸,八马力的设计称为模型A公司生产的这1708个模型在运营的第一年。


Using Ford Motors as a case study, we will explain how its rich competitive position have been threaten as a result of international competition and the strategic options it used to embark upon its competencies. Ford vision is to become the world's leading consumer company for automotive products and services. They are a global family with a proud heritage passionately committed to providing personal mobility for people around the world.

As the second-largest automobile company in the world, Ford Motor Company represents a $164 billion multinational business empire. Known primarily as a manufacturer of automobiles, Ford also operates Ford Credit, which generates more than $3 billion in income, and owns The Hertz Corporation, the largest automobile rental company in the world. The company manufactures vehicles under the names Ford, Lincoln, Mercury, Jaguar, Volvo, Land Rover, and Aston Martin. Ford also maintains controlling interest in Mazda Motor Corporation. Ford's financial stability was shaken in early years of the new millennium as a result of slowing sales, quality issues, and a debacle involving Firestone tires.

Henry Ford, the founder of the Ford Motor Company, was born on a farm near Dearborn, Michigan, in 1863. He had a talent for engineering, which he pursued as a hobby from boyhood, but it was not until 1890 that he commenced his engineering career as an employee of the Detroit Edison Company. In his spare time, Ford constructed experimental gasoline engines and in 1892 completed his first gasoline buggy. Dissatisfied with the buggy's weight, he sold it in 1896 to help fund the construction of a new car. Ford's superiors at the electric company felt his hobby distracted him from his regular occupation and, despite his promotion to chief engineer, he was forced to quit in 1899.

Shortly afterwards, with financial backing from private investors, Ford established the Detroit Automobile Company. He later withdrew from the venture after a disagreement with business associates over the numbers and prices of cars to be produced. Ford advocated a business strategy which combined a lower profit margin on each car with greater production volumes. In this way, he hoped to gain a larger market share and maintain profitability.

Independently in a small shed in Detroit, Henry Ford developed two four-cylinder, 80-horsepower race cars, called the 999 and the Arrow. These cars won several races and helped to create a new market for Ford automobiles. With $28,000 of capital raised from friends and neighbors, Henry Ford established a new shop on June16, 1903. In this facility, a converted wagon factory on Mack Avenue in Detroit, the Ford Motor Company began production of a two-cylinder, eight-horsepower design called the Model A. The company produced 1,708 of these models in the first year of operation. Facility, a converted wagon factory on Mack Avenue in Detroit, the Ford Motor Company began production of a two-cylinder, eight-horsepower design called the Model A. The company produced 1,708 of these models in the first year of operation.


