加拿大南阿尔伯塔理工学院论文代写: 金融和商业的分析

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加拿大南阿尔伯塔理工学院论文代写: 金融和商业的分析

The software that I used to work on my project was Microsoft Word, which was user friendly and helped me a lot in accomplishing my tasks. Later on, I worked on PowerPoint and excel, as I had to give presentation to my mentor, and also to obtain good computer skills. I did communication with different people for data collection, which included both verbal and non-verbal aspects, so I kept diary usable and noted the main points for effective communication and time saving.

Communication is a very important tool when it comes to professional life of an accountant. We have to communicate with different people as part of a daily routine. My project would not have been successful without the use of primary information. Getting information from these sources required me to use my interpersonal and communication skills. Successful communication is where the senders know which audiences they wish to target and which type of responses they foresee. They must be good to encode the message that takes into account how the target audience decodes them. They must send messages by the media that attain audience targets, and they must develop chains of reactions for that they can evaluate the response of the audience to the message. I had to make sure that I keep in mind all the elements of the Shannon-Weaver model of communication .

