Religion Essay 代写:神的至高无上

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Religion Essay 代写:神的至高无上

另一个圣经,显示了神圣意志和人类正义之间的联系是工作之书。在这里我们看到从乌斯的财产土地完全人的故事被带离神的理由是:“你(撒旦)鼓动我反对他,没有任何理由”在此工作2:3书毁了他,工作是独自一个人在朋友面前怀疑他什么要让这个惩罚错误。在与他的朋友的谈话中,工作从来没有质疑上帝的权力,但他质疑的是上帝的神圣的正义。说:“如果这是一个权力的问题,看,上帝是坚强的一个人!如果这是一个正义的问题,谁可以召唤上帝?”因此,什么工作是问谁可以sue God?之后,上帝从不出现在25-30章,当他出现的时候,他就没有什么神圣的正义。上帝,被描绘的所有他的神圣权力,作为下到工作在旋风式的会谈,并指所有他的权力和离开工作无望。直到这一点,两个平行的讨论,其中的主要的故事。从一个侧面我们有工作的人质疑上帝的神圣的正义和我们工作的朋友的想法可以最好在报价的另一面:“按照我(以利法)所看到的,那些耕罪孽和那些播种烦恼收获“书4:8但工作上帝说工作的朋友:“…你没有说我,不如我的仆人约伯”Job 42:7结束这个故事我们可以看到,一个人相信上帝,他应该相信神的力量和神圣的正义的书。如果他们中的任何一个缺乏,那么人类开始质疑上帝。

另一个圣经,有助于我们理解道德问题,人与神之间的区别是奥维德的变形记。在这里,我们将集中在两个不同的故事,一个被编织大赛的god Minerva、亚勒古尼和其他的故事,Niobe得到不崇拜神的惩罚之间。与之前的两个故事不同,这里的人们开始质疑上帝的力量。在Arachne,她参加编织大赛女神米勒娃和比赛后,她得到的惩罚,她变成了一只蜘蛛。在其他情况下,我们可以清楚地看到等待人类如果不敬拜神。Niobe,失去她的男性儿童,还是不愿意崇拜神给我们骄傲的人类美德。但我们可以用人类的伦理术语来定义神圣的吗?这个故事给了我们同样的答案,创世记的书给了我们。如果我们不崇拜上帝,那么惩罚就在等待着我们。然而,奥维德以一种奇怪的方式描绘了神。我们在这里看到,神被带下来处理人类的行动,神是嫉妒,神发怒,神与人类竞争。此外,我们从这两个故事,人的价值等的骄傲(Niobe的情况)不能在神的眼中是可以理解的。因此,为了定义神圣的,我们不应该使用价值或人类道德的美德,因为他们是不可行的。

Religion Essay 代写:神的至高无上

Another scripture that shows the linkage between divine will and human justice is The Book of Job. Here we see the story of a blameless man from the land of Uz whose property was taken away from God reason being: "you (Satan) incited me against him, to destroy him without any reason" The Book of Job 2:3 Following this, Job is left alone in the presence of his friends to wonder what did he do wrong to deserve this punishment. During the conversation with his friends, Job never questioned God's power but what he questioned was god's divine justice. : "If it is a matter of power, behold, God is the strong one! And if it is a matter of justice, who can summon God?" Thus what Job was asking was who can sue God? Following, God never shows up for around 25-30 chapter and when he did show up, he talks nothing about divine justice. God, being pictured with all his divine power as coming down to Job in whirlwind talks and refers to all his powers and leaving Job hopeless. Until this point, two parallel discussions where the main ones in the story. From one side we have Job who is questioning God's divine justice and from the other side we have Job's friends whose ideas can be best seen in the quotation: "According to what I (Eliphaz) have seen, those plow iniquity and those who sow trouble harvest it" The Book of Job 4:8 Nevertheless God says to Job's friends: "…you have not spoken of me what is right, as my servant Job has" The Book of Job 42:7 Concluding on this story we can see that for a man to believe in God he should believe in both divine power and divine justice. If any of them is lacking then humans start to question God.

Another scripture that helps us to understand the morality issue and the difference between the human and the divine is Ovid's Metamorphoses. Here we will focus on two different stories, one being the weaving contest between the god Minerva and Arachne and the other story being the punishment that Niobe gets for not worshiping the gods. Different from the two previous stories analysed, here humans start questioning God's power. In the case of Arachne, she takes part in a weaving contest with goddess Minerva and after the contest, she gets her punishment and she is turned into a spider. In the other case we can clearly see what awaits humans if gods are not worshiped. Niobe, after loosing her male children, still didn't choose to worship gods and showed us the human virtue of pride. But can we define the divine by human ethics terms? This story gives us the same answer that the Book of Genesis gave us. If we don't worship god, then punishment awaits us. Nevertheless Ovid pictured gods in a bizarre way. We see here that gods are brought down to deal with human actions, gods are jealous, gods get angry and gods compete with human beings. Moreover we understand from these two stories that human values such as pride (in the case of Niobe) cannot be understandable in god's eyes. Thus, in order to define the divine, we should not use values or virtues of human ethics because they are not viable.


