Marketing Essay 代写: 丰田案例研究

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Marketing Essay 代写: 丰田案例研究



Marketing Essay 代写: 丰田案例研究

Toyota is a world renowned name, a brand dominating in the automotive industry, and multinational corporations based in Japan. The company was founded by Kiichiro Toyota at the end of the day in 1937 as a spin-off of his father's company Toyota Industries to create automobiles. After some ups and downs Toyota started spreading its business around the world; especially when went to produce small size cars at early 70s. It became popular in USA as well as in Europe established its supremacy in automotive business as it offered car in reasonable price. In 1982, Toyota Motor Co. and Toyota Motor Sales in a single company are merged into Toyota Motor Corporation. According to the annual report 2010, with a severe business climate, vehicles are sold around 7,237,000 units, improving revenue by 1,690 billion yen. In 21st century, except producing vehicles Toyota runs a number of non-automotive operations such financial services for purchasing and leasing vehicles, property development, web based vehicle information networks, marine and aerospace businesses. It is listed on all Japanese stock exchanges as well as New York and London stock exchange.

While Toyota remains one of the world's largest automakers, like other organizations, it continues to critical business challenges. This could lead to development of the Toyota production system and the Earth Charter, which will help to address the strategic problems and Toyota foundation for rebuilding. Application of the Toyota production system requires an incredible amount of detailed planning and control. With the development of this system, consumers can identify the identity of reliability that Toyota has to offer in their products. By applying the Toyota Production System in action, it is suggested that Toyota should create relationships with customers to meet customer needs promoting Toyota products. This will reduce the demand and sales offered by other competitors. Development of the Toyota Earth Charter is to assist in environmental impact reduction. Using this model, there are two advantages to society may arise, increase sales and reduce environmental pollution. Result was above expectations in May Toyota, but as profitable as now, Toyota has to maintain focus on a hybrid market sector to meet their expectations for the future

