Psychology Essay 代写:马斯洛亚伯拉罕激励员工在工作场所

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Psychology Essay 代写:马斯洛亚伯拉罕激励员工在工作场所

Abraham Maslow被认为是第十九世纪最有影响的心理学家之一,也是人本主义心理学的主要权威之一。人本主义心理学是心理学的一个分支,关注人的行为。除了把他放在聚光灯下的人类动机理论,他还曾在心理学领域做过其他著名的工作。他的其他一些作品,优心管理思想,科学的动机和人格心理学(霍夫曼,1990)。

1967,由于他对“人类动机理论”的影响,在心理学领域,他被美国人道主义协会授予“年度人文主义者”称号(霍夫曼,1990)。在他的职业生涯的高度Abraham Maslow担任各种专业能力。他是在布鲁克林学院的心理学教师的高级讲师。他是布兰迪斯大学心理学系的一名教授和主席,自1951以来,他已近20年了。在他去世的时候,他在1970岁,他是一个研究员在劳克林研究所(霍夫曼,1990)。

但是,Abraham Maslow留下的遗产将肯定超越他。今天,他在人类动机理论的需要层次的工作是在世界范围内,在世界各地的教室,他的名字是需求层次的代名词。事实上,人类的动机和层次的需求理论的概念,因为他定义他们不再局限于心理学领域,但越来越多地被包含在许多其他不同的学科。


但直到他成为布兰迪斯大学的教授,Abraham Maslow终于能够为人类动机理论的背后起草。在布兰迪斯大学的时候,Abraham Maslow遇到了Kurt Goldstein。Kurt Goldstein有先进的自我实现的概念,他早在一本书被称为“生物”(霍夫曼,1990)。正是这一概念形成了Abraham Maslow研究的动机理论框架(霍夫曼,1990)。

在1943种人类动机理论首先发表在心理评论杂志上。后来,他将写一些其他的书籍的基础上的理论,如一个心理的存在和进一步的人性化(霍夫曼,1990)。Abraham Maslow的动机理论提供了一个有价值的洞察力,人类的需求,以前没有研究过的要求。更重要的是,他的研究工作是关于人类行为的心理学领域,多年来并没有产生新的想法。人的动机理论提出了一种新的方法,对人类的行为进行了研究。

Psychology Essay 代写:马斯洛亚伯拉罕激励员工在工作场所

Abraham Maslow is considered one of the most influential psychologists of 19th century, and one of the leading authorities in humanistic psychology. Humanistic Psychology is a branch of psychology with focus on human behavior. Besides the Theory of Human Motivation work that put him in limelight, he had authored other famous work in the field of psychology. Some of his other writings are, Eupsychian Management, psychology of science and Motivation and Personality (Hoffman, 1990).

In 1967 due to the influence that his work on "theory of human motivation" had in the field of psychology he was awarded the title "Humanist of the Year" by the American Humanist Association (Hoffman, 1990). At the height of his career Abraham Maslow served in various professional capacities. He was a senior lecturer at Brooklyn College in the faculty of psychology. He was a professor and the chairman at Brandeis University in the department of psychology for almost two decades since 1951. At the time of his death in 1970 he was a fellow at the Laughlin Institute (Hoffman, 1990).

But the legacy that Abraham Maslow left behind will certainly outlive him. Today his work on Hierarchy of Needs as contained in theory of human motivation is taught worldwide in classrooms and his name is synonymous with Hierarchy of Needs. Indeed the concepts on Theory of Human Motivation and hierarchy of needs as he defined them are no longer limited to the field of psychology but are increasingly being included in many other varied disciplines.

During the time that he was a lecturer at Brooklyn College Abraham Maslow ideas on human behaviors were influenced by fellow psychologist in the same college (Hoffman, 1990).

But it was not until when he become the professor at Brandeis University that Abraham Maslow finally was able to draft the idea behind theory of human motivation. It was while at Brandeis University that Abraham Maslow met Kurt Goldstein. Kurt Goldstein had advanced the concept of self actualization which he had earlier published in a book called "Organism" (Hoffman, 1990). It is this concept that had formed the framework of theory of motivation that Abraham Maslow was researching on (Hoffman, 1990).

In 1943 Theory of Human Motivation was first published in the Psychological review journal. Later he would write several other books based on the theory such as, Towards a Psychological of Being and the Further Reaches of Human Nature (Hoffman, 1990).. Abraham Maslow's Theory of Motivation provided a valuable insight to human needs requirement level that had previously not been studied. More importantly his research work was on psychology field of human behavior that over the years had not generated new ideas. The Theory of Human Motivation presented a fresh approach on which human behavior was studied.


